Investigate the rumors of undead around The Feerrott...
The Feerrott
Vanquish the undead from the area
The Feerrott
Investigate the rumors of undead near the Temple of Cazic Thule
The Feerrott
Vanquish the undead from the area
The Feerrott
Investigate the rumors of undead west of the waterfall
The Feerrott
Vanquish the undead from the area
The Feerrott
The Feerrott
The Feerrott
Collect fear essences from creatures in the area
The Feerrott
Give the fear essences to Cyndreela
The Feerrott
The Feerrott
Defeat the portal guardians near Innothule
The Feerrott
The Feerrott
Defeat the portal guardians near the Temple of Cazic Thule
The Feerrott
The Feerrott
Defeat the portal guardians west of the waterfall
The Feerrott
The Feerrott
The Feerrott
Claim your reward from ornate chest
The Feerrott