CB2/MAP/The Shop

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The shop is where you buy some really useful items

Throughout the course of the game you will be able to buy:

  1. 3 lollipops - 60 candies each
  2. 1 chocolate bar - 800 candies
  3. Leather Gloves - 300 candies
  4. Leather Boots - 300 candies
  5. A time ring - 500 candies
  6. The merchant hat - 1,000,000 candies
  /        |                  "    Hello, I'm the candy                              |        \  
 /         |                   merchant. I would do anything                         |         \ 
|          |                     for candies. What do you                            |          |
|          |                               need?            "                        |          |
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