Recon the bixie’s forces at the hive
Very south of zone
The Grounds
Recon the peponnite’s forces at the patch
North east near the garden maze
The Grounds
Recon the treant’s forces in the orchard
North west of zone, easiest to get to through safe tunnel
The Grounds
Return to Aeriht to report on all three forces
Like an idiot he is standing in the center of the zone, instead of where the mission starts
The Grounds
Commence attack on the bixie force (10)
Kill 10 Bixies "Soldier of the Hive", mezable
The Grounds
Retrieve a piece of the Aeriht’s book
Drops from bixies that you have to kill, "Piece of Aeriht's Book" 15% drop rate; must loot near the bixie area to get update
The Grounds
Commence attack on the peponnite's patch
Kill 10 Peponnites (Scarecrows) "Protector of the Patch"
The Grounds
Retrieve a piece of the Aeriht’s book
Drops from peponnites that you have to kill, same item but only updates if you loot in the area with scarecrows in it;
The Grounds
Commence attack on the treant's orchard (10)
Kill 10 Treants "Bulwark of the Orchard", "Piece of Aeriht's Book" 15% drop rate
The Grounds
Retrieve a piece of the Aeriht’s book
Drops from treants that you have to kill, same item but only updates if you loot in the area with treants in it; "Piece of Aeriht's Book" 15% drop rate
The Grounds
Deliver the pieces of the book to Gardener Aeriht
The Grounds
Retrieve the binding from the servants of Thule
The Grounds
Deliver the book binding to Gardener Aeriht
The Grounds
The Grounds