CB2/MAP/The Forge

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Throughout the course of the game you will be able to purchase the following here:

  • Wooden Sword - 150 candies
  • Iron Axe - 400 candies
  • Polished Silver Sword - 2000 candies
  • A Scythe - 5,000,000 candies
  /        |          |         | |       ||_|_________|____                         |        \  
 /         |          |         | |      /||_|_________|___ \                        |         \ 
|          |          |         | |      \||_|_________|____/                        |          |
|          |          |         | |       || '         '                             |          |
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|          |          |         | |                   '         '  /'-.____.-'\      |          |
|          |    ______|         | |_______  "Hi! I'm a blacksmith. '-.______.-'      |          |
|          |   /      |_________|/       /\  I can sell you various                  |          |
|          |  /   o----                 / /  weapons and pieces of     ||            |          |
|          | /_________________________/ /         equipment.      "  /  \           |          |
|          |/__________________________\/                             \  /     ____  |          |
|          |                                                          .\/.    |____| |          |
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