VoA/Zones/argath/The Riddle of Steel/spoiler

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What Where
Argath, Bastion of Illdaera
Argath, Bastion of Illdaera
Argath, Bastion of Illdaera
Argath, Bastion of Illdaera
Argath, Bastion of Illdaera
Argath, Bastion of Illdaera
Argath, Bastion of Illdaera
Argath, Bastion of Illdaera
Argath, Bastion of Illdaera
Argath, Bastion of Illdaera
Argath, Bastion of Illdaera
Argath, Bastion of Illdaera
Argath, Bastion of Illdaera
Argath, Bastion of Illdaera
Argath, Bastion of Illdaera
Argath, Bastion of Illdaera