Speak with Ghrechla near the pumpkin patch
The Grounds
Return to Barkley and speak with him
The Grounds
See if you can find Giladan somewhere in the garden and speak with him
he is where he normally is
The Grounds
Find the book in the hedge maze area of the garden and return it to Giladan
inside the hedge maze obv
The Grounds
Speak with Giladan regarding the book
The Grounds
Find the three missing pages of the book and return them to Giladan
On the ramp up to Giladan's normal spot
The Grounds
The Grounds
The Grounds
Gather ripe pumpkins from peponnites and smash them in the pumpkin smasher near barkley (10)
"A Ripe Pumpkin" drops from peponnites, right click the ripe pumpkin with your healer targeted they deserve a pumpkin in the face or 10. make sure you are in the silo thing next to Barkley
The Grounds
Speak with the Spirit of the Patch and reveal his name to him
say "Azarianel" to him
The Grounds
The Grounds
Return to Barkley and speak with him
The Grounds
Loot the ornate chest next to Barkley
The Grounds