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  • Points awarded for completing section X on NIGHTMARE difficulty, this many times.
Badge Zone Brown
Imperial Bodyguard 1: Princess Illaria's Escape 5 AP ??? AP
Robot Wars 2: Legions of Steel ??? AP
Rahn's Worst Nightmare 3: Assault on Zenith ??? AP
King of the Ring 4: The Search for the Princess 25 AP ??? AP
Lawyer, Drunkard, Spy, Warrior 5: Politics of War 25 AP ??? AP
Thalatta! Thalatta! 6: Aphrodisian Anabasis ??? AP
When a Plan Comes Together 7: The Right Tools 25 AP ??? AP
Imperium 8: A Masterful Stratagem ??? AP
My Love is Vengeance 9: Scaean Gates ??? AP
I Love to Go A-Wandering 10: Because I'm the Wanderer ??? AP
Any Given Bloody Sunday 11: Talia's Team 25 AP 50 AP ??? AP
Our Prince Is in Another Castle 12: The Prince & the Pixels 25 AP 50 AP ??? AP
In Vino Fabula 13: The Saga of Drunken Ragnar 25 AP ??? AP
Halloween Havoc 14: Lu Bu's Halloween 25 AP ??? AP
Birthday Bash A: Puny Human Birthdays 25 AP ??? AP