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Common Area Drops
Data Cubes Collection • Sian Laser Rifle • TALOS Shield Bot
Wrangling the Rackalax
z2 a2 q1 Difficulty Energy Experience Ratio Credits Total Energy to Complete
Normal 10 13 1.3 369 - 452
Hard 11 15 1.36 426 - 520
Legendary 13 18 1.38 526 - 644
Nightmare 15 22 1.47 634 - 776
Rackalax Rodeo
z2 a2 q2 Difficulty Energy Experience Ratio Credits Total Energy to Complete
Normal 12 16 1.33 464 - 568
Hard 13 18 1.38 526 - 644
Legendary 15 22 1.47 634 - 776
Nightmare 17 26 1.53 750 - 916
Robot War
z2 a2 q3 Difficulty Energy Experience Ratio Credits Total Energy to Complete
Normal 14 19 1.36 567 - 693
Hard 15 21 1.4 634 - 776
Legendary 17 26 1.53 750 - 916
Nightmare 19 30 1.58 872 - 1066
How Do You Stop This Thing?
z2 a2 q4 Difficulty Energy Experience Ratio Credits Total Energy to Complete
Normal 17 24 1.41 719 - 879
Hard 18 26 1.44 794 - 970
Legendary 20 31 1.55 918 - 1122
Nightmare 23 35 1.52 1097 - 1341
Mission Boss: Carnus 9000 (Boss)
Boss z2 a2
Difficulty Energy Experience Ratio Credits Boss HP
Normal 30 50 1.67 2160 - 2640
Hard 35 59 1.69 2520 - 3080
Legendary 40 70 1.75 2880 - 3520
Nightmare 45 81 1.8 3240 - 3960

Carnus 9000 Data - First Time Only

Neuro-Shock Baton

Space Pirate Bracelets