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Stabby's Quests are all Death Contracts from Bruma. None of these quests require you to kill the enemy in a certain way, but many encourage and reward you for doing so.

Captian Shadowscale, I Presume?


  • Kill Captain Shadowscale
  • Steal Captain Shadowscale's Treasure
  • Return Treasure to Stabby

Log Entry:

I must find and kill Captain Shadowscale
  1. Starting the quest
    1. Start the quest by asking Stabby about himself. This will unlock the topic 'Death Contracts'
    2. Ask Stabby about the Death Contracts, he will tell you about Captain Shadowscale and ask you to kill him.
    3. Captain Shadowscale is in Lake Ilinalta, right next to the Lady Stone map marker
      1. If you haven't found the lady stone, you can swim to Lake Ilinalta from the The Guardian Stones
  2. Killing the Captain
    1. The Captain sits at the bottom of the lake, where he is completely protected. If you swim towards him however, he will summon an ice sheet on which to duel you.
    2. Followers will not be able to aid you in your fight against the Captain
    3. Captain Shadowscale has a very strong offense, courtesy of his Shadowscale Scimitar, which has a chance to paralyze. If he paralyzes you there is a very strong chance you won't get back up.
    4. While his offense is good, he wears practically no armor. Keep him out of your reach and try to damage from afar
  3. Finishing up
    1. Once you kill the captain, the ice will disappear
    2. The captains ship is right below the ice, so you just have to swim down
    3. Be sure to take the quest object, the golden goblet
    4. There is a large amount of gold nearby the goblet
    5. Don't forget to loot the barrels. There are three Rum Barrels containing a unique item: Argonian Black Rum

Loot Obtained

  1. Gold
  2. Argonian Black Rum
  3. ShadowScale Scimitar

Video walkthrough: Youtube

The Merchant of Souls


  • Kill Tharsten
  • (Optional) Plant Forsworn Weapon
  • Return to Stabby

Log Entry:

I need to find the traveling merchant Tharsten and kill him. The contract specifically states I should kill him on the road, and plant a Forsworn weapon near the body
  1. Killing Tharsten
    1. Tharsten travels between Winterhold and Riften He stops to sleep at the inn in Winterhold, and he drinks at the Ragged Flaggon in Riften
    2. Try to catch Tharsten when he's in one of these cities, then follow him as he leaves
    3. You can talk to Tharsten and buy soul gems before he dies. He sells black soul gems which you cannot obtain from killing him.
    4. When Tharsten is killed, a Dragon Priest will rise to avenge him. You do not have to kill the Dragon Priest to continue the quest
    5. Be sure to loot his dead body for soul gems and the plot-item 'Letter to Ulfric Gold-Love'
  2. Bonus
    1. Plant a forsworn weapon on Tharsten's body. That is, drop the weapon near his dead body, do NOT put it in his inventory.
    2. NOTE: If for some reason Tharsten's dead body traveled after he died (e.i. hit by a magic projectile) the game will not register you putting a forsworn weapon near the body, you must put the weapon where Tharsten was when his HP reached 0
      1. If you put the Weapon in the correct location you should know immediately, the text "Objective: (Optional) Plant Forsworn Weapon Completed" should appear
    3. Averna sells forsworn weapons, any one can be used to frame the Forsworn
    4. If you do not complete the Bonus, an Assassin will be sent after you. Making this 'bonus' more of a 'negative'
  3. Return to Stabby and tell him what happened to Tharsten. This will start the quest Digging Deeper

Loot Obtained

  1. Grand Soul Gems
  2. Business Letter

Recommended Follower:

  • Averna - she sells forsworn weapons, so if you forget you can just buy one from her on the spot. There are also many Virgins in Riften, so you can kill a few on your way towards Tharsten

The Merchant of Slaves


  • Kill Ranmir

Log Entry:

I must hunt down and kill the slave trader Ranmir.
  1. Starting out
    1. Ask Stabby about Death Contracts to begin this quest
  2. Killing Ranmir
    1. Ranmir's operation is run from a Mine just outside Riften
    2. The mine is filled with Bandits patrolling the area, and Slaves locked up in cages
      1. You can kill the slaves or set them free, either option has no effect on the quest
    3. Ranmir sits at the cabin in the very back of the cave.
    4. He wears Ebony armor, and is equipped with magic staves and can FUS-RO-DAH
    5. When Ranmir is killed, a Dragon Priest will rise to avenge him. You do not have to kill the Dragon Priest to continue the quest
  3. Finishing up
    1. Return to Stabby, and talk to him about Dragon Priests

Loot Obtained

  1. Letter to Ulfric Gold-Love (found on Ranmir's body)
  2. The Gospel of Yuvon Tafiir (found in Ranmir's Boss Chess)

Bounty from on High


  • Kill all the Intruders
  • Talk With Stabby
  • Meet Stabby at Night

Log Entry:

I need to meet stabby at midnight under the solitude bridge, he should have some information for me there.
  1. Starting the Quest
    1. After discussing the Ranmir Situation with Stabby, leave the sanctuary and return. The quest starts automatically
  2. Kill all the intruders, then wait for Stabby and Averna to come near you and discuss the situation
  3. After the discussion, Stabby will leave you (he will cease to be your 'follower' at this point) and head towards Solitude
  4. Between the in-game hours of 11pm and 2am Stabby can be found underneath the Solitude Arch, which is just north-east of the East Empire Company Warehouse
  5. Wait until you see both Stabby AND the Drunkard waiting for you, then approach
  6. The drunkard will talk a lot, and then Stabby will talk a lot.

The Merchant of Silver


  • Kill the Silver-blood

Log Entry:

I must kill the leader of the Silver-Blood family. Stabby suggests I use one of Averna's poisoned apples. If I leave one nearby him he will eat it and die!
  1. Starting the quest
    1. Right after talking with Stabby under the Solitude Arch, stabby will talk to you about the Metal Barrons
  2. If you go see Averna, she will give you three free Poisoned Apples, there are also a few of them lying around the Dawnstar Sanctuary, particularly near Averna's 'Bed'
  3. The game will randomly ask you to kill either Thonar or Thongvor Silver-Blood
    1. NOTE: Thonar is an essential character in Vanilla Skyrim until you finish the quest The Forsworn Conspiracy. However, this mod makes him un-essential, meaning you can kill him and then be unable to complete the Forsworn Conspiracy. It is up to the player to decide whether to do that quest first or not
  4. You do not have to use the Poisoned Apples to kill the Silver-Blood

Loot Obtained

  • Letter to Ulfric

The Merchants of Gold


  • Kill Ulfric Gold-Love
  • Kill Alicia Gold-Love
  • Kill Susan Gold-Love

Log Entry:

I must kill the entire Gold-Love family. Ulfric stays in his office at the East Empire Warehouse. His Daughter hangs out at the Winking Skeever, and his wife can be found in the blue palace.

The Gold Master Thief


  • Kill the dragon Yuvon Tafiir
  • Steal the Treasure in Yuvon Tafiir's Cave

Log Entry:

I must find the Dragon Yuvon TaffirIn near Peryite's shrine in the Reach, and kill him. I should also rifle through his supposed horde of treasure. For the Dark Brotherhood, of course.
  1. Starting the Quest
    1. You must finish DBR:Digging_Deeper