HoT/Zones/erudinburning/Raiders of the Sacred Tomes/spoiler: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "{{spoiler-begin}} {{spoiler-row| ??? | ??? | Erudin Burning}} {{spoiler-row| ??? | ??? | Erudin Burning}} {{spoiler-row| ??? | ??? | Erudin Burning}} {{spoiler-end}}")
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{{spoiler-row| ??? | ??? | Erudin Burning}}
{{spoiler-row| The Heretics pillaging the library must be stopped.  They are taking the most sacred tomes of Erudin! (5)| Go to the library start killing dudes named "a Heretic pillager" in and around the library.  It's ok to kill erduites because they tried to blow up the moon.  They might drop some books/tomes leave them on corpse you need them later (see below). | Erudin Burning}}
{{spoiler-row| ??? | ??? | Erudin Burning}}
{{spoiler-row| Retrieve the Tome of Eternal Love | drops from books and pillagers in the library | Erudin Burning}}
{{spoiler-row| ??? | ??? | Erudin Burning}}
{{spoiler-row| Retrieve the Tome of Intellectual Grace | drops from books and pillagers in the library | Erudin Burning}}
{{spoiler-row| Retrieve the Tome of Martial Necessity | drops from books and pillagers in the library | Erudin Burning}}
{{spoiler-row| Retrieve the Tome of Spiritual Improvement | drops from books and pillagers in the library | Erudin Burning}}
{{spoiler-row| Retrieve the Tome of Catechism of Erud | drops from books and pillagers in the library | Erudin Burning}}
{{spoiler-row| Deliver the Tome of Eternal Love to Arbin Derrex | obv | Erudin Burning}}
{{spoiler-row| Deliver the Tome of Intellectual Grace to Arbin Derrex | obv | Erudin Burning}}
{{spoiler-row| Deliver the Tome of Martial Necessity to Arbin Derrex | obv | Erudin Burning}}
{{spoiler-row| Deliver the Tome of Spiritual Improvement to Arbin Derrex | obv | Erudin Burning}}
{{spoiler-row| Deliver the Tome of Catechism of Erud Arbin Derrex | obv | Erudin Burning}}
{{spoiler-row| Speak with Arbin Derrex now that the tomes have been found | win | Erudin Burning}}

Latest revision as of 18:45, 14 October 2010

What Where
Erudin Burning
Erudin Burning
Erudin Burning
Erudin Burning
Erudin Burning
Erudin Burning
Erudin Burning
Erudin Burning
Erudin Burning
Erudin Burning
Erudin Burning
Erudin Burning