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== Quiz Questions ==
=== Geography ===
{{Collapsed|Which Midwest farmland state includes New Salem, Springfield, Metropolis, and Champaign?|A. Illinois}}
{{Collapsed|To which continent am I going if I have decided to visit Queen Maud Land and Deception Island?|B. Antarctica}}
{{Collapsed|Which "four corners" state is home to Alamogordo, Taos, Truth or Consequences, and Mescalero?|B. New Mexico}}
{{Collapsed|Which Mississippi state - called "America's Heartland" - is home to Amana, Fort Dodge and Dubuque?|D. Iowa}}
{{Collapsed|Which mountain has the highest altitude in the world?|A. Mt. Cook}}
{{Collapsed|If I told you I was watching the Daytona 500 in person, in which American state would I be?|B. Florida}}
{{Collapsed|To which Asian country am I traveling if I am going to visit the Forbidden City?|D. China}}
{{Collapsed|Which is the world's largest port according to volume?|C. Shanghai}}
{{Collapsed|Which country has the largest oil reserves?|D. Saudi Arabia}}
{{Collapsed|What is the name of the invisible line that runs right around the Earth's middle, dividing it into two halves?|B. The Equator}}
{{Collapsed|To which of the following countries will I travel to see the prehistoric Uffington White Horse?|D. England}}
{{Collapsed|In which Midwest state is Springfield, St. Joseph, Creve Coeur, and Cape Girardeau based?|B. Missouri}}
{{Collapsed|Which ocean has the largest area?|A. Pacific}}
{{Collapsed|What is the highest mountain on earth above sea level?|C. Mt. Everest}}
{{Collapsed|Which of the following islands is not located in Europe?|B. Maldives}}
{{Collapsed|In New York City, on which street is the New York Stock Exchange?|A. Wall Street}}
{{Collapsed|I'm standing under the "Brandenburger Tor", and the smell of 'Apfel Strudel' fills the air! Where am I?|C. Germany}}
{{Collapsed|What is the capital of Scotland?|C. Edinburgh}}
{{Collapsed|To which Canadian Province will I be going if I tell you I am off to see the Calgary Stampede?|A. Alberta}}
{{Collapsed|What is the capital of Angola?|C. Luanda}}
{{Collapsed|If I visited Bondi Beach-one of the worlds most beautiful-to which country would i be traveling to?|C.Australia}}
{{Collapsed|The country with the smallest area in the world is:|A.Vatican City}}
{{Collapsed|Where is Lima located?|D. Peru}}
{{Collapsed|What country is Stonehenge located in?|B. United Kingdom}}
{{Collapsed|What is the largest landlocked country in the world?|B. Kazakhstan}}
{{Collapsed|Where is the Palace of Versailles located?|B. France}}
{{Collapsed|Where is Big Ben located?|C.London}}
{{Collapsed|Where is Rome located?|D. Italy}}
{{Collapsed|Where is Kuala Lumpur located in what country?|D. Malaysia}}
{{Collapsed|Where is Mount Fuji located?|B. Japan}}
{{Collapsed|Which state is Mount Rushmore National Memorial located in?|A. South Dakota}}
{{Collapsed|What is the largest continent in the world?| C. Asia}}
{{Collapsed|Which state do Missoula, Whitefish, Big Fork, and Butte call home?| B. Montana}}
{{Collapsed|Where is Mecca located?|B. Saudi Arabia}}
{{Collapsed|What is the name of the sea east of Korea?|D. Sea of Japan}}
{{Collapsed|Where is Bolivia located?|D. South America}}
{{Collapsed|Where is Saint Basil's Cathedral located?|B. Russia}}
{{Collapsed|What is the capital of New Zealand?|A. Wellington}}
{{Collapsed|What is the largest cave world?|D. Son Doong}}
{{Collapsed|What is the highest waterfall in the world?|D. Angel Falls}}
{{Collapsed|What island is the Statue of Liberty located on?|A. Liberty Island}}
{{Collapsed|Where is Riyadh located?|D. Saudi Arabia}}
{{Collapsed|Which US state is known as the Sunshine state?|D. Florida}}
{{Collapsed|The Petronas Towers are located in what country?|B. Malaysia}}
{{Collapsed|Where would you find the historic temple of Angkor Wat?|D. Cambodia}}
{{Collapsed|Where is the Golden Gate Bridge located?|B. San Fransisco}}
{{Collapsed|Which country has the most land?|D. Russia}}
{{Collapsed|What is the capital of Texas?|A. Austin}}
{{Collapsed|Which of these world capitals is also the largest city in its home country?|C. Tokyo}}
{{Collapsed|Where is the Kremlin located?|C. Russia}}
{{Collapsed|Where is Moscow located?|D. Russia}}
{{Collapsed|Where is the Taj Mahal located?|B. India}}
{{Collapsed|Where is the Mumbai located?|D. India}}
{{Collapsed|Where is Tokyo located?|D. Japan}}
{{Collapsed|Where is Pompeii located?|B. Italy}}
{{Collapsed|What is the world's largest desert?|D. Antarctica}}
{{Collapsed|I'm on a river cruise, visiting Vienna, Budapest, and Bratislava. Which river am I gliding down?|A. Danube}}
{{Collapsed|What is the capital of Turkey?|B. Ankara}}
{{Collapsed|Where is the Louvre located?|D. France}}
=== History ===
{{Collapsed|Which European city was divided by a wall, separating capitalism in the west from communism in the east?|C. Berlin}}
{{Collapsed|Nelson Mandela is celebrated worldwide for fighting racism. Of which country was he president?|C. South Africa}}
{{Collapsed|The Cold War was a war of words and hostility mainly between the USSR and which country?|C. USA}}
{{Collapsed|Saddam Hussein was the dictator of which Middle Eastern country?|A. Iraq}}
{{Collapsed|In the '60's and '70's, many men were sent into space in the Apollo missions. Where did they land?|A. Moon}}
{{Collapsed|How long did King Louis XIX rule France for?|D. 15 minutes}}
{{Collapsed|Who invented the flushing toilet?"|D.Thomas Crapper}}
{{Collapsed|Which US president served the shortest term?| D. William Henry Harrison}}
{{Collapsed|Who leaked NSA documents to the Guardian in 2013?|D. Edward Snowden}}
{{Collapsed|Who was the first man to climb Mount Everest?|D. Sir Edmund Hillary}}
{{Collapsed|What year did the Titanic sink?|C. 1912}}
{{Collapsed|Who became the Prime Minister of Ukraine on December 18th, 2007?|C. Yulia Tymoshenko}}
{{Collapsed|In 1997, who became the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom?|B. Tony Blair}}
{{Collapsed|Which country was not a part of the Axis powers in World War 2?|D. Netherlands}}
=== Fruits & Vegetables ===
{{Collapsed|Which of these isn't a fruit? I am found underground, can be made into fries, and can also be baked!|D. Potato}}
{{Collapsed|I am bright red. I have all my seeds on the outside, and I am sometimes served with cream.| A. Strawberry}}
{{Collapsed|Tennis players eat me between games to keep nice and strong. I can also be found in pajamas!|B. Banana}}
{{Collapsed|Which of these fruits grows on a vine?|A. Grapes}}
{{Collapsed|I am bitter and lovely shade of yellow. You can find me in a well-known rhyme - "Oranges and _____"|A. Lemons}}
{{Collapsed|I am a purple-coloured fruit. Little Jack Horner pulled me out of a Christmas pie!|B. Plum}}
{{Collapsed|You can find me up a palm tree. I am brown on the outside and white on the inside. I am very hard, and sometimes fall on people's heads!|A. Coconut}}
{{Collapsed|I am a shiny fruit, and you can find me in red and green colors. "An ______ a day keeps the doctor away".|C. Apple}}
{{Collapsed|I grow on a vine. I can be red or green and your mum and dad drink my juice in wine.|C. Grapes}}
=== Olympics & Sports ===
{{Collapsed|Which sport is an official event at the modern Summer Olympic Games?|A. Swimming}}
{{Collapsed|The Olympic Flame is carried around the world to the Olympic host nation. Where does its journey begin?|D. Olympia in Greece}}
{{Collapsed|Each country taking part in the Olympics has a 3-letter code. Which is NOT an Olympic country code?|A. BBC}}
{{Collapsed|Medals are awarded for first, second, and third places in the Olympic events.  What are these medals called?|B. Gold, silver and bronze medals}}
{{Collapsed|In 2008, the 29th Olympic Games mainly took place in which Asian city?|C. Beijing}}
{{Collapsed|Which athlete won the 110m hurdles at the Athen Olympics?|C. Liu Xiang}}
{{Collapsed|How many NHL teams does Florida have?|D. 2}}
{{Collapsed|In the game of Cricket, how many balls are there in an over?|D. 6}}
{{Collapsed|What city is the NHL team known as the Lightning from?|D. Tampa Bay}}
{{Collapsed|Olympic Games have one or more mascots. Which of these mascots is from the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics?|B. The Fuwa}}
{{Collapsed|The modern Olympic Games were started by an organization called the IOC. What does IOC stand for?|C. International Olympic Committee}}
{{Collapsed|In which sport would you use a chucker?|D. Polo}}
{{Collapsed|Who holds the MLB single season home run record?|D. Barry Bonds}}
{{Collapsed|How often do the Summer Olympic Games take place?|C. Every 4 years}}
{{Collapsed|How long is a marathon ?|A. 42.195km}}
{{Collapsed|How many MLB teams does Florida have?|D. 2}}
{{Collapsed|When and where did the original Ancient Olympic Games take place?|D. Over 2000 years ago in ancient Greece}}
=== Cartoons & Comics ===
{{Collapsed|Daredevil is blind but uses sound to "see" objects, like sonar. What else uses sonar?|D. Bats and submarines}}
{{Collapsed|The amazing X-Men's powers come from genetic mutations. Mutations form a part of what process?|B. Evolution}}
{{Collapsed|Peter Parker (Spiderman) has many spider-like abilities. What type of animal is a spider?|A. Arachnid}}
{{Collapsed|The Flash runs very fast but according to science, there's something that's even faster. What's that?|C. Light}}
{{Collapsed|When Violet from The Incredibles is visible, how do people see her?|A. Light bounced off of Violet and into their eyes.}}
{{Collapsed|Superman can fly. But what's the name of the natural force that keeps ordinary people down on earth?|B. Gravity}}
{{Collapsed|Iron Man's armor can perform miracles. Many animals also have 'armor'; what is such a skeleton called?|A. Exoskeleton}}
{{Collapsed|What does Batman carry in his utility belt?|C. Batarang}}
=== Religion ===
{{Collapsed|Which disciple did not want Jesus to wash his feet at the Last Supper?|D. Peter}}
{{Collapsed|Adam and Eve, lived in the beautiful Garden of Eden. Why did God banish them from there?|C. They were disobedient}}
{{Collapsed|Jesus called upon Lazarus for a meal. who was the lady who sat at his feet and listened to him talk?|B. Mary}}
{{Collapsed|The Pharaoh would not let the Israelites leave Egypt. Moses lead the out after 10 plagues were sent down. What was the last plague?|A. Death of all the firstborn sons}}
{{Collapsed|When the Israelites journeyed for 40 years to the promised land, God promised what would not wear out?|A. Clothes and shoes}}
{{Collapsed|Jesus taught us that the most important thing we needed in life was |D. Love}}
{{Collapsed|When is Orthodox Christmas Day?|D. January 7th}}
{{Collapsed|When Jesus was born, his mother, Mary, did not have a cradle, so she placed him elsewhere. Where?|D. Manger}}
=== Music ===
{{Collapsed|This instrument has white and black keys with two or more pedals. What is it?|C. Piano}}
{{Collapsed|Which woodwind instrument is played by blowing into a mouthpiece, and has twenty or more tone holes?|A. Saxophone}}
{{Collapsed|Which of the following instruments is a member of the strings family?|C. Cello}}
{{Collapsed|The harmonica is a small instrument made from plastic and metal. How do you play it?|D. With your mouth}}
{{Collapsed|Which percussive instrument is played by striking a stretched skin with a stick, such as 'bongos'?|D. Drums}}
{{Collapsed|Which percussive instrument is played by striking a wooden bars with a mallet? |B. Xylophone}}
{{Collapsed|This 4-string instruments made of spruce wood is played with a horsehair bow. What is it? |B. Violin}}
{{Collapsed|Who originally sang Gangnam Style?|C. PSY}}
{{Collapsed|Yoko Ono was the wife of what famous musician?|D. John Lennon}}
{{Collapsed|What is Marlyn Manson's gender?|D. Male}}
{{Collapsed|How many members are in the Korean pop group, SNSD (Girls' Generation)?|C. 9}}
=== Random Facts ===
{{Collapsed|If you are "intestate", what don't you have?|D. A will}}
{{Collapsed|Which word best describes the union of two political parties to form a government?|C. Coalition}}
{{Collapsed|"Midori", "verde", "vert", and "Gruen" all translate to what English word?|D. Green}}
{{Collapsed|What would a tailor do with his hot plonker?|D. Iron cloth}}
{{Collapsed|What state is Jim Beam from?|D. Kentucky}}
{{Collapsed|What state is Jake Daniels from?|D. Tennessee}}
{{Collapsed|How long is the shelf life of Twinkies?|C. Approximately 45 days}}
{{Collapsed|What does M&M's stand for?|A. Mars & Murrie's}}
{{Collapsed|What is the country code for Russia?|D. 007}}
{{Collapsed|What is a group of kangaroos called?|D. A mob}}
{{Collapsed|Which is NOT a primary color?|B. Orange}}
{{Collapsed|Anmol decided to give his bike 3 coats of paint. Which coat would go on the first?|C. The second}}
{{Collapsed|How many business days are week?|D. 5}}
{{Collapsed|Office paper is typically sold in packs of 500 sheets. What is this pack called?|C. Ream}}
{{Collapsed|Which method am I most likely to use to trek up to the mountainous, ancient Incan city of Machu Picchu?|D. Take a tour bus}}
=== Science/Nature ===
{{Collapsed|What is the largest spider in the world?|D. Giant Huntsman Spider}}
{{Collapsed|What is the sun?|D. A star}}
{{Collapsed|What is the largest mammal in the world?|D. Blue Whale}}
{{Collapsed|Who was the electric chair invented by?|D. A dentist}}
{{Collapsed|What family of animals do humans belong to?|C. Hominidae}}
{{Collapsed|What are the main reasons to domesticate alpacas?|C. For their wool and meat}}
{{Collapsed|What is lightning made of?|D. Electricity}}
{{Collapsed|Which of these living things does NOT have a backbone?|D. Earthworm}}
{{Collapsed|Which of these is the hottest?|B. The Sun}}
{{Collapsed|What is the name of the gas in the air that keeps us alive?|A. Oxygen}}
{{Collapsed|If the moon is full, what shape is it in the sky?|C. Circle}}
{{Collapsed|What percentage of average adult human body is water?|D. 50% - 65%}}
{{Collapsed|What is the process by which particular biological traits become more or less common over time?|C. Natural Selection}}
{{Collapsed|What do the rings around Saturn mostly consist of?|D. Water Ice}}
{{Collapsed|Are Gorillas carnivores, omnivores, or herbivores?| D. Herbivores}}
{{Collapsed|Earnest Rutherford is a famous New Zealander most known for what?| D. Splitting the atom}}
{{Collapsed|What is the name of the organ in our bodies that pumps blood?|A. Heart}}
{{Collapsed|What is the largest planet in our solar system?|D. Jupiter}}
{{Collapsed|Where do carrots grow?|C. Ground}}
{{Collapsed|What do Mitochondria produce?|C. APT}}
{{Collapsed|What is the largest dinosaur known to have walked the earth?|D. Argentinosaurus}}
{{Collapsed|What is the human body mostly made of?|D. Water}}
{{Collapsed|On average, how long does a healthy alpaca live?|C. Approx. 20 years}}
{{Collapsed|How many eyes do most spiders have?|C. 8}}
{{Collapsed|What is the scientific name for humans?|C. Homo Sapien}}
{{Collapsed|Planet Earth is the ______ planet from the Sun.|A. Third}}
{{Collapsed|Which one of these is not a living organism?|C. Virus}}
{{Collapsed|What happens if you melt something?|A. It changes from a solid to a liquid}}
{{Collapsed|What is the largest flower in the world?|D. Rafflesia}}
{{Collapsed|How old is the universe believed to be?|D. 13.8 billion years}}
{{Collapsed|What shines on the moon to make it bright at night?|C. Sun}}
{{Collapsed|What type of lenses do nearsighted people need for their glasses?|C. diverging lenses}}
=== Games ===
{{Collapsed|In the Super Mario games, what is Mario's profession?|B. Plumber}}
{{Collapsed|Morgan Freeman is the main protagonist of which videogame?|D. None}}
{{Collapsed|Which one of these is not a traditional starting piece in the game of Monopoly?|D. Snake}}
{{Collapsed|What company created Half-Life, Left 4 Dead, and Team Fortress 2?|D. Valve}}
{{Collapsed|What is the first boss you encounter in Diablo I?|D. The Butcher}}
{{Collapsed|What is the name of the lead character of the hit game Final Fantasy VII?|C. Cloud}}
{{Collapsed|What year was PlayStation 2 released?|C. 2000}}
{{Collapsed|What is the ranged special attack used by Ryu and Ken in Street fighter?|B. Hadouken}}
{{Collapsed|In Dablo II, Baal is the lord of what?|C. Destruction}}
{{Collapsed|Who is a founder of Valve Corporation?|C. Gabe Newell}}
{{Collapsed|Which of the following was part of the fourth generation of video game consoles?|C. Sega Genesis}}
{{Collapsed|In Command & Conquer: Red Alert, which side could launch a GPS satellite?|D. The Allies}}
{{Collapsed|What is the name of the lead character of the Half-life series?|C. Gordon Freeman}}
{{Collapsed|In the original Doom game, what was the cheat code for god mode?|C. IDDQD}}
{{Collapsed|In the original Doom game, what was the cheat code for guns and ammo?|C. IDKFA}}
{{Collapsed|When playing Gin Rummy, how many cards are dealt to each player?|D. 10}}
{{Collapsed|What was the full name of the original Warcraft game released by Blizzard Entertainment in 1994?|C. Warcraft: Orcs & Humans}}
{{Collapsed|What is Final Fantasy 6 known as in the United States?|C. Final Fantasy 3}}
{{Collapsed|What former professional basketball player played for the Los Angeles Lakers and had a 2D fighting game named after him?|C. Shaquille O'Neal - '''NOTE: Shaq Fu LOL'''}}
{{Collapsed|In the original Doom game, what was the cheat code for guns and ammo?|C. IDFKA}}
{{Collapsed|What year was the Super Nintendo Entertainment System released in North America?|A. 1991}}
{{Collapsed|Dota 2 is owned by which company?|D. Valve}}
{{Collapsed|What is the name of the alien race in starcraft that plagues the universe much like a swarm of bugs?|D. Zergs}}
{{Collapsed|How many balls are there for each player to sink in the game of pool?|D. 8}}
{{Collapsed|What color is Pac-Man?|C. Yellow}}
{{Collapsed|Lara Croft is the protagonist of what videogame franchise?|C. Tomb Raider}}
{{Collapsed|In Omaha Hold'em poker, how many hole cards does a player have?|D. 4}}
{{Collapsed|Sonic the Hedgehog is a videogame character developed by what company?|C. Sega}}
{{Collapsed|In the game of Snooker, what color ball needs to be sunk before sinking a ball other than a red ball?|D. Red}}
{{Collapsed|In the game of Cluedo, players compete to discover the details of what?|D. A murder}}
{{Collapsed|Which company makes Poker Night at the Inventory?|D. Tell Tale}}
{{Collapsed|In Warcraft III, which one of the following is not a race?|C. Gnome}}
{{Collapsed|In the video game Sonic, how many rings do you need to collect to gain an extra life?|D. 100}}
{{Collapsed|Ness is the protagonist of a videogame published by Nintendo. What is the name of this game?|C. Earthbound}}
{{Collapsed|Where were playing cards invented?|D. China}}
{{Collapsed|What is Final Fantasy 3 known as in the Japan?|D. Final Fantasy 6}}
{{Collapsed|In No Limit Texas Hold'em poker, how many hole cards does a player have?|D. 2}}
{{Collapsed|The 3 starter pokemon in Pokemon Red and Blue are Bulbasaur, Squirtle, and...|A. Charmander}}
{{Collapsed|What is the name of the Ostrich like bird featured throughout the Final Fantasy series?|C. Chocobo}}
{{Collapsed|Who does the player primarily control in The Legend of Zelda games?|B. Link}}
{{Collapsed|What is the name of the lead character of the Dead Space series?|A. Isaac Clarke}}
{{Collapsed|How many floors are there to explore in Diablo I?|D. 16}}
{{Collapsed|What is the name of Solid Snake's right hand man in the Metal Gear Solid series?|D. Hal Emmerich}}
=== TV, Movies & Anime ===
{{Collapsed|In the anime film, Grave of the Fireflies, take place during which war?|B. World War 2}}
{{Collapsed|Who is the main protagonist of Dragon Ball/Dragon Ball Z?|B. Goku}}
{{Collapsed|Who is the main protagonist of Neon Genesis Evangelion?|B. Shinji Ikari}}
{{Collapsed|Who was dead at the end of Sixth Sense?|D. Bruce Willis}}
{{Collapsed|In the anime film, Akira, what is pictured on the back of Kaneda's jacket?|A. a pill}}
{{Collapsed|Who is the host of the TV show, Jepordy!|D. Alex Trebek}}
{{Collapsed|Spike Spiegal is a main character in which anime?|B. Cowboy Bebop}}
{{Collapsed|Who directed Jurassic Park?|D. Steven Spielberg}}
{{Collapsed|In the anime film, Kiki's Delivery Service, Kiki is a...|B. witch}}
{{Collapsed|Which of these is Not a Fox News anchor?|D. Stephen Colbert}}
{{Collapsed|In what country were the Lord of the Rings movies filmed?|D. New Zealand}}
{{Collapsed|Which Star Wars character is a bounty hunter?|D. Boba Fett}}
{{Collapsed|In Fullmetal Alchemist, Edward's brother, Alphonse, is a |B. Suit of armor}}
{{Collapsed|What genre is the anime, Ghost in the Shell, classified as?|B. Cyberpunk}}
{{Collapsed|Which network hosted the VGAs?|D. Spike}}
{{Collapsed|Hajime no Ippo is a popular sports anime/manga about...|B. Boxing}}
{{Collapsed|Which children's television show are the following names from: Donatello, Splinter Leonardo, & Raphael?|A. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles}}
{{Collapsed|What car does the protagonist of Initial D, Takumi Fujiwara, drive?|B. Toyota AE86}}
{{Collapsed|Which social network was the movie, The Social Network, based on?|D. Facebook}}
=== Literature ===
{{Collapsed|What is Mr. Rochester's first name in Chorlotte Bronte's novel, Jane Eyre?|C. Edward}}
{{Collapsed|Who wrote the novel, The Catcher in the Rye?|C. J.D. Salinger}}
{{Collapsed|In the novel Frankenstein, what is the monster called?|C. Frankenstein's monster}}
{{Collapsed|When is the Iliad thought to have been written?|C. 8th century BC}}
=== Computers, Internet & Technology ===
{{Collapsed|When talking about computers, what is an example of an output device?|C. The speakers}}
{{Collapsed|Where is Twitter located?|D. San Francisco}}
{{Collapsed|Pressing Alt + Ctrl + Del in Windows will open what?|C. Task Manager}}
{{Collapsed|Which of the following is NOT a key of a standard keyboard?|C. Repeat}}
{{Collapsed|When was the first generation iPod released?|C. 2001}}
{{Collapsed|What is Microsoft's search engine called?|C. Bing}}
{{Collapsed|What year was the Y2k bug supposed to happen?|D. 2000}}
{{Collapsed|When talking about computers, what is an example of Hardware?|C. The monitor}}
{{Collapsed|What is the main board of a computer called?|C. Motherboard}}
{{Collapsed|Which company owns Skype?|D. Microsoft}}
{{Collapsed|In computer programming, traditionally, what will your first ever program do?|C. Output "Hello World"}}
{{Collapsed|What is the maximum usable amount of RAM on a 32 - bit Windows operating syste?|D. 4GB}}
=== League of Angels ===
{{Collapsed|What level do you get access to Erebus in League of Angels?|C. 40}}
{{Collapsed|Which of the following gets unlocked at level 26 in League of Angels?|C. Gemology}}
{{Collapsed|What level do you get your first title in League of Angels?|C. 20}}
{{Collapsed|When did the League of Angels closed beta start?|C. December 4th, 2013}}
{{Collapsed|What level do you gain access to the 4th battle slot in League of Angels?|C. 35}}
{{Collapsed|What is the highest ranking title in League of Angels called?|C. Demi God}}
{{Collapsed|What is the name of the first Angel you get in League of Angels?|C. Nocturna}}
{{Collapsed|How much HP does a Lvl. 1 HP gem give in League of Angels?|C. 500}}
{{Collapsed|What level can you start recruiting heroes in League of Angels?|C. 24}}
{{Collapsed|What is the name of the lvl. 11-20 zone/town in League of Angels?|C. Yggdrasil, the World Tree}}
=== How to Math ===
{{Collapsed|What is a multiple of 8?|C. 24}}
{{Collapsed|What is 10 factorial?|C. 3628800}}
{{Collapsed|Which does NOT have an even number for its square root?|B. 81}}
{{Collapsed|If you have 3 quarters, 4 dimes, and 4 pennies, how much money do you have?|C. 1.19}}
{{Collapsed|If you bet $50 to win $100, how often do you need to win to break-even on the bet?|D. 33% of the time}}
{{Collapsed|If you bet $25 to win $100, how often do you need to win to break-even on the bet?|D. 20% of the time}}
{{Collapsed|Which of the following is not a prime number?|C. 497}}
{{Collapsed|What is the product of one and three?|C. 3}}
{{Collapsed|What is the ratio 1 : 2 as a percentage?|D. 0.33}}
=== The World ===
{{Collapsed|Which country has the most nuclear weapons?|D. Russia}}
{{Collapsed|What is the first name of the Queen of England?|D. Elizabeth}}
{{Collapsed|Who is the head of state of all commonwealth countries?|D. The British Monarch}}
{{Collapsed|What is the national emblem of Canada?|D. Maple leaf}}
{{Collapsed|Who is the Vice President of the USA?|D. Joe Biden}}
{{Collapsed|Who is the president of Russia?|D. Vladimir Putin}}
{{Collapsed|Which country is not in the European Union?|D. Switzerland}}
{{Collapsed|Which country has the largest population?|D. China}}
=== Unsorted/Incorrect/Unknown ===
'''Incorrect/Need Answer'''
{{Collapsed|What is the ratio 1:3 as a percentage?|Not C. [25%]}}
{{Collapsed|Which sketch comedy group had a show on IFC?|D. WKYK [Note: Correct answer would be B. Kids in the Hall]}}
{{Collapsed|What level do you get access to world chat in League of Angels?| not 7, not 1 [10]}}
{{Collapsed|How many senses do humans have?|Not A. 5}}
{{Collapsed|In No Limit Texas Hold'em poker, who is first to act after the first round of betting?|Not C. Person left of dealer}}
{{Collapsed|Where does the game of Rugby originate from?|Not C. Britain [which it should be]; not A. Australia; not B. South Africa}}
{{Collapsed|Which attack is used by Sagat in Street Fighter?|Not C. Sonic Boom}}
'''Correct but unsorted'''
{{Collapsed|Who is Vocaloid CV-01?|C. Hatsune Miku}}
{{Collapsed|What state is Starbucks from?|D. Washington}}
{{Collapsed|The Doom series places the player on what planet?|C. Mars}}
{{Collapsed|What level do you get your mount in League of Angels?|B. 22}}
{{Collapsed|Warren Buffet is a famous what?|D. Investor}}
{{Collapsed|Where is Waldo?|D. Everywhere}}
{{Collapsed|What weighs more: A ton of feathers, a ton of bricks, or a ton of gold?|D. All the same}}
{{Collapsed|What is the largest tree born fruit in the world?|D. Jackfruit}}
{{Collapsed|Which game platform is owned by Ubisoft?|D. Uplay}}
{{Collapsed|How many time zones are there in China?|C. 1}}
{{Collapsed|Who first invented toilet paper?|A. The Chinese}}
{{Collapsed|The name of Sears Tower in Chicago was changed in 2009. What is its new name?|A. Willis Tower}}

Latest revision as of 15:34, 9 June 2014

*TIP: For easy navigation, click the "Show/Hide all" Button until all answers are shown. Then press Ctrl+F and type in part of the question. Example: Question is "I'm on a river cruise, visiting Vienna, Budapest, and Bratislava. Which river am I gliding down?" You would search for "river cruise" to quickly take you to the answer.*

Geography (English)[edit]




Fruits & Vegetables[edit]


Olympics & Sports[edit]


Cartoons, Anime, & Comics[edit]






Random Facts[edit]





Video Games & Systems[edit]


Board Games & Billiards[edit]


Card Games[edit]


TV & Movies[edit]




Computers, Internet & Technology[edit]


League of Angels[edit]






The World[edit]


New Question Angel's Quiz[edit]


Bestcorrect/New Quest For Answer[edit]





Correct but unsorted[edit]
