Destroy the oashim nests and kill the baby oashim that were hiding within (12)
You are looking for an oashim nest, they are found in little caves along the walls. See the map in Miscellaneous section for locations. Beat down the nest and 3 baby oashim will spawn, they are grey con < 5k hp. Do this 4 times.
Valley of Lunanyn
Speak with Grave Digger Undros
Hail Grave Digger Undros, receive item {{#Lucy: Oashim Poison}}, sayve give to get more if you fail.
Valley of Lunanyn
Give the oashim poison to an oashim breeder
an oashim breeder is found in the northeast nest area. Give it the item {{#Lucy: Oashim Poison}} and it will morph into a mutated oashim. Does not aggro upon hand in.
Valley of Lunanyn
Defeat the mutant oashim
Pretty straightforward kill it.
Valley of Lunanyn
Valley of Lunanyn