User talk:Seizan

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Please do not lessen the visibility of ads. At the bottom of the pages is not acceptable. I feel your pain about ads but in 1 year time ZERO donations were received. ZERO. So now we have ads and they are getting very close to paying for the site each month. I will make some other options available for ads placement using some more standard sizes so we can incorporate them in the site. I don't want to start a wiki war with edits or a debate on ads. We only use google ad sense ads and privately funded ads (aka check written out to me). Also it was my idea to piggy back the ads on zoy's code/extension for the donations. Please next time before messing with ads can you please ask first is all I am asking. I would like to work towards a goal of allowing article authors to choose more freely where ads go rather than forcing them in the HTML. I put ads in each quest page so it displays only once when someone moves through each tab now (the lazy solution was in the template) and also at the top of most pages. ~ Danx