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Forge Recipe: {{{card}}}
Card Recipe Type Recipe
[{{fullurl:LoH/cards/{{{card}}}}} {{{card}}}] {{{type}}}



This is the template used for displaying LoH forge recipes. Here's a quick rundown of the parameters:

  • card: The name of the card (or other item) produced by this recipe. Note that you should use this parameter even if what you're producing is an item, not a card.
  • link (defaults to "card"): How to link the item produced. If "card", will use {{LoH/CardLink}} to produce the link. For "craft" or "item", will link to [[LoH/crafting/{{{card}}}]] or [[LoH/items/{{{card}}}]] respectively. For "none", no link will be generated. Note that if you want to link to an item which is only part of {{{card}}}, leave this to "none" and set the "display" parameter appropriately. See LoH/forge/Legacy Coins x10 for an example.
  • display: If the text to be displayed in the link isn't simply {{{card}}} (e.g. for cards which include numbers), set the text that you want to be displayed here. This can also be used to link in ways not already defined by the "link" parameter (see above).
  • type: The type of the forge recipe (Mission, Brawl, Packs, PvP, Other).
  • recipe: The actual contents of the recipe. This should look something like this:
{{LoH/CraftingItem|Bust of Aloysius Zeroth}} x2

There is a family of templates that you can use for displaying the ingredients:

  • CraftingItem: for a recipe using a single item
  • CraftingRow: for a set of six colored items; specify the name of the item family (without any colors) as the parameter
  • CraftingCard: for a recipe using a single card
  • CraftingTwoItems, CraftingThreeItems, CraftingFourItems: for recipes using two, three, or four different items; specify the items as the parameters
  • CraftingEquipmentPlusItem: for recipes combining a piece of equipment with an item
  • CraftingCardPlusFive: for a recipe consisting of a card and five other items (currently only Turn Back the Clock, but there may be more).