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Zone 16.2 - Play It Again, Barracuda
Common Area Drops
Strange Statue Collection
To So Few
z18 a2 q1 Difficulty Energy Experience Ratio Credits Total Energy to Complete
Normal 53 86 1.62 3196 - 3906 1272
Hard 58 95 1.64 3758 - 4594 1392
Legendary 63 104 1.65 4366 - 5336 1512
Nightmare 68 113 1.66 5018 - 6134 1632
In the Shadows of London
z18 a2 q2 Difficulty Energy Experience Ratio Credits Total Energy to Complete
Normal 54 88 1.63 3256 - 3980 1350
Hard 59 97 1.64 3823 - 4673 1475
Legendary 64 106 1.66 4435 - 5421 1600
Nightmare 69 115 1.67 5092 - 6224 1725
Pirate Treasure
z18 a2 q3 Difficulty Energy Experience Ratio Credits Total Energy to Complete
Normal 55 90 1.64 3317 - 4054 1430
Hard 60 99 1.65 3888 - 4752 1560
Legendary 65 108 1.66 4505 - 5506 1690
Nightmare 70 117 1.67 5166 - 6314 1820
The Mountains Look on Marathon
z18 a2 q4 Difficulty Energy Experience Ratio Credits Total Energy to Complete
Normal 56 92 1.64 3377 - 4127 1512
Hard 61 101 1.66 3953 - 4831 1647
Legendary 66 110 1.67 4574 - 5590 1782
Nightmare 71 119 1.68 5240 - 6404 1917
Mission Boss: Symphony of Two Worlds
Boss z18 a2
Difficulty Energy Experience Ratio Credits Boss HP
Normal 247 475 1.92 29788 - 36408 5000
Hard 266 512 1.92 34474 - 42134 6050
Legendary 287 553 1.93 39778 - 48618 7400
Nightmare 312 602 1.93 46051 - 56285 8900

Symphony of Two Worlds Flashback Data - Normal Only (100%)

Amplifier 3

Amplifier 4

Robert E. Lee - Normal Only (100%)