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Zone 6.2 - Lupanar
Common Area Drops
Perfume Bottles Collection • Ancilla • Slaughterhouse 10
Do ut Des
z6 a2 q1 Difficulty Energy Experience Ratio Credits Total Energy to Complete
Normal 46 76 1.65 662 - 810 460
Hard 69 115 1.67 994 - 1214 690
Legendary 92 154 1.67 1325 - 1619 920
Nightmare 138 231 1.67 1987 - 2429 1380
Veni, Vidi, Risi
z6 a2 q2 Difficulty Energy Experience Ratio Credits Total Energy to Complete
Normal 46 77 1.67 662 - 810 460
Hard 69 115 1.67 994 - 1214 690
Legendary 92 154 1.67 1325 - 1619 920
Nightmare 138 231 1.67 1987 - 2429 1380
Testudo Terribilis
z6 a2 q3 Difficulty Energy Experience Ratio Credits Total Energy to Complete
Normal 46 77 1.67 662 - 810 460
Hard 69 115 1.67 994 - 1214 690
Legendary 92 154 1.67 1325 - 1619 920
Nightmare 138 231 1.67 1987 - 2429 1380
Cave Mechem
z6 a2 q4 Difficulty Energy Experience Ratio Credits Total Energy to Complete
Normal 46 77 1.67 662 - 810 460
Hard 69 115 1.67 994 - 1214 690
Legendary 92 154 1.67 1325 - 1619 920
Nightmare 138 231 1.67 1987 - 2429 1380
Mission Boss: Caligula
Boss z6 a2
Difficulty Energy Experience Ratio Credits Boss HP
Normal 92 184 2 2650 - 3238 1390
Hard 138 276 2 3974 - 4858 1738
Legendary 184 368 2 5299 - 6477 2224
Nightmare 276 552 2 7949 - 9715 2780

Caligula Data - Normal Only (100%)
Anguish Gloves
Anguish Boots
Green Starmap
Eviscerator Alpha