LotS/missions/Between Heaven and Hell

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Zone 19 - Between Heaven and Hell


"Angels in Flight (1)"=

Zone 19.1 - If Angels Fight (1)
Common Area Drops
Heaven and Hell Projection Collection
Wrath of Heaven
z21 a1 q1 Difficulty Energy Experience Ratio Credits Total Energy to Complete
Normal 80 128 1.6 4824 - 5896 1920
Hard 85 136 1.6 5508 - 6732 2040
Legendary 90 144 1.6 6237 - 7623 2160
Nightmare 95 152 1.6 7085 - 8659 2280
Blessed Are the Peacemakers
z21 a1 q2 Difficulty Energy Experience Ratio Credits Total Energy to Complete
Normal 81 130 1.6 4884 - 5970 2025
Hard 86 138 1.6 5573 - 6811 2150
Legendary 91 146 1.6 6306 - 7708 2275
Nightmare 96 154 1.6 7159 - 8749 2400
z21 a1 q3 Difficulty Energy Experience Ratio Credits Total Energy to Complete
Normal 82 132 1.61 4945 - 6043 2132
Hard 87 140 1.61 5638 - 6890 2262
Legendary 92 148 1.61 6376 - 7792 2392
Nightmare 97 156 1.61 7011 - 8569 2522
No Respecter of Angels
z21 a1 q4 Difficulty Energy Experience Ratio Credits Total Energy to Complete
Normal 83 134 1.61 5005 - 6117 2241
Hard 88 142 1.61 5702 - 6970 2376
Legendary 93 150 1.61 6445 - 7877 2511
Nightmare 98 158 1.61 7232 - 8840 2646
Mission Boss: Sky Commander Bethany
Boss z21 a1
Difficulty Energy Experience Ratio Credits Boss HP
Normal 250 475 1.9 30150 - 36850 6000
Hard 270 513 1.9 34992 - 42768 7050
Legendary 310 591 1.91 42966 - 52514 8400
Nightmare 370 703 1.9 54612 - 66748 10000

Sky Commander Bethany Flashback Data - Normal Only (100%)

Grey Takahiro Portrait

Angelic Peacemaker

Munitions Plans (Archangel set) - Nightmare Only (100%)

"Angels in Flight (2)"=

Zone 19.2 - If Angels Fight (2)
Common Area Drops
Heaven and Hell Projection Collection
God's Is the Quarrel
z21 a2 q1 Difficulty Energy Experience Ratio Credits Total Energy to Complete
Normal 84 135 1.61 5065 - 6191 2016
Hard 89 143 1.61 5767 - 7049 2136
Legendary 94 151 1.61 6514 - 7962 2256
Nightmare 99 159 1.61 7306 - 8930 2376
Tree of Knowledge
z21 a2 q2 Difficulty Energy Experience Ratio Credits Total Energy to Complete
Normal 85 137 1.61 5126 - 6265 2125
Hard 90 145 1.61 5832 - 7128 2250
Legendary 95 153 1.61 6584 - 8047 2375
Nightmare 100 161 1.61 7380 - 9020 2500
Celestial War
z21 a2 q3 Difficulty Energy Experience Ratio Credits Total Energy to Complete
Normal 86 139 1.62 5186 - 6338 2236
Hard 91 147 1.62 5897 - 7207 2366
Legendary 96 155 1.61 6653 - 8131 2496
Nightmare 101 163 1.61 7454 - 9110 2626
Blood of Angels
z21 a2 q4 Difficulty Energy Experience Ratio Credits Total Energy to Complete
Normal 87 141 1.62 5246 - 6412 2349
Hard 92 149 1.62 5962 - 7286 2484
Legendary 97 157 1.62 6722 - 8216 2619
Nightmare 102 165 1.62 7528 - 9200 2754

Mission Boss: Vunlac
Boss z21 a2
Difficulty Energy Experience Ratio Credits Boss HP
Normal 300 570 1.9 36180 - 44220 7000
Hard 320 608 1.9 41472 - 50688 8050
Legendary 360 684 1.9 49896 - 60984 9400
Nightmare 420 798 1.9 61992 - 75768 11000

Vunlac Flashback Data - Normal Only (100%)

Green Takahiro Portrait

Angelic Peacemaker

"They Just Fade Away"=

Zone 19.3 - They Just Fade Away
Common Area Drops
Heaven and Hell Projection Collection
For King, Country, and Her
z21 a3 q1 Difficulty Energy Experience Ratio Credits Total Energy to Complete
Normal 88 141 1.6 5306 - 6486 2112
Hard 93 149 1.6 6026 - 7366 2232
Legendary 98 157 1.6 6791 - 8301 2352
Nightmare 103 165 1.6 7601 - 9291 2472
Pilferers and Patriots
z21 a3 q2 Difficulty Energy Experience Ratio Credits Total Energy to Complete
Normal 89 143 1.61 5367 - 6559 2225
Hard 94 151 1.61 6091 - 7445 2350
Legendary 99 159 1.61 6861 - 8385 2475
Nightmare 104 167 1.61 7675 - 9381 2600
Flashy Flying
z21 a3 q3 Difficulty Energy Experience Ratio Credits Total Energy to Complete
Normal 90 145 1.61 5427 - 6633 2340
Hard 95 153 1.61 6156 - 7524 2470
Legendary 100 161 1.61 6930 - 8470 2600
Nightmare 105 169 1.61 7749 - 9471 2730
Behind Enemy Lines
z21 a3 q4 Difficulty Energy Experience Ratio Credits Total Energy to Complete
Normal 91 147 1.62 5487 - 6707 2457
Hard 96 155 1.61 6221 - 7603 2592
Legendary 101 163 1.61 6999 - 8555 2727
Nightmare 106 171 1.61 7823 - 9561 2862

Mission Boss: Reichsmarschall Dule
Boss z21 a3
Difficulty Energy Experience Ratio Credits Boss HP
Normal 350 665 1.9 42210 - 51590 8000
Hard 370 703 1.9 47952 - 58608 9050
Legendary 410 779 1.9 56826 - 69454 10400
Nightmare 470 893 1.9 69372 - 84788 12000

Reichsmarschall Dule Flashback‎ Data - Normal Only (100%)

Blue Takahiro Portrait

Planetary Defense Plans (Archangel set) - Nightmare Only (100%)

"The Man in Black (1)"=

Zone 19.4 - The Man in Black (1)
Common Area Drops
Heaven and Hell Projection Collection
z21 a4 q1 Difficulty Energy Experience Ratio Credits Total Energy to Complete
Normal 92 148 1.61 5548 - 6780 2208
Hard 97 156 1.61 6286 - 7682 2328
Legendary 102 164 1.61 7069 - 8639 2448
Nightmare 107 172 1.61 7897 - 9651 2568
z21 a4 q2 Difficulty Energy Experience Ratio Credits Total Energy to Complete
Normal 93 150 1.61 5608 - 6854 2325
Hard 98 158 1.61 6350 - 7762 2450
Legendary 103 166 1.61 7138 - 8724 2575
Nightmare 108 174 1.61 7970 - 9742 2700
z21 a4 q3 Difficulty Energy Experience Ratio Credits Total Energy to Complete
Normal 94 152 1.62 5668 - 6928 2444
Hard 99 160 1.62 6415 - 7841 2574
Legendary 104 168 1.62 7207 - 8809 2704
Nightmare 109 176 1.61 8044 - 9832 2834
z21 a4 q4 Difficulty Energy Experience Ratio Credits Total Energy to Complete
Normal 95 154 1.62 5729 - 7002 2565
Hard 100 162 1.62 6480 - 7920 2700
Legendary 105 170 1.62 7277 - 8894 2835
Nightmare 110 178 1.62 8118 - 9922 2970

Mission Boss: Master Hao
Boss z21 a4
Difficulty Energy Experience Ratio Credits Boss HP
Normal 400 760 1.9 48240 - 58960 9000
Hard 420 798 1.9 54432 - 66528 10050
Legendary 460 874 1.9 63756 - 77924 11400
Nightmare 520 988 1.9 76752 - 93808 13000

Master Hao Flashback Data - First Time Only

Purple Takahiro Portrait

"The Man in Black (2)"=

Zone 19.5 - The Man in Black (2)
Common Area Drops
Heaven and Hell Projection Collection
Wanted Criminal
z21 a5 q1 Difficulty Energy Experience Ratio Credits Total Energy to Complete
Normal 96 154 1.6 5789 - 7075 2304
Hard 101 162 1.6 6545 - 7999 2424
Legendary 106 170 1.6 7346 - 8978 2544
Nightmare 111 178 1.6 8192 - 10012 2664
Victor and Vanquished
z21 a5 q2 Difficulty Energy Experience Ratio Credits Total Energy to Complete
Normal 97 156 1.61 5849 - 7149 2425
Hard 102 164 1.61 6610 - 8078 2550
Legendary 107 172 1.61 7415 - 9063 2675
Nightmare 112 180 1.61 8266 - 10102 2800
The Mandarin and the Monster
z21 a5 q3 Difficulty Energy Experience Ratio Credits Total Energy to Complete
Normal 98 158 1.61 5909 - 7223 2548
Hard 103 166 1.61 6674 - 8158 2678
Legendary 108 174 1.61 7484 - 9148 2808
Nightmare 113 182 1.61 8339 - 10193 2938
Hunter and Prey
z21 a5 q4 Difficulty Energy Experience Ratio Credits Total Energy to Complete
Normal 99 160 1.62 5970 - 7296 2673
Hard 104 168 1.62 6739 - 8237 2808
Legendary 109 176 1.61 7554 - 9232 2943
Nightmare 114 184 1.61 8413 - 10283 3078

Mission Boss: Noir (II)
Boss z21 a5
Difficulty Energy Experience Ratio Credits Boss HP
Normal 450 855 1.9 54270 - 66330 10000
Hard 470 893 1.9 60912 - 74448 11050
Legendary 510 969 1.9 70686 - 86394 12400
Nightmare 570 1083 1.9 84132 - 102828 14000

Noir (II) Flashback Data - Normal Only (100%)
The Eye - Normal Only (100%)
Chemical Weapons Factory 3 Plans - Nightmare Only (100%)
Communi-ception Tower Plan - Nightmare Only (100%)
Shield of Ages Past - Nightmare Only (100%)
Angelic Peacemaker
Orange Takahiro Portrait
