LotS/Xydran Battlecraft Beta II

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name::Xydran Battlecraft Beta II [[:Category:LotS/type::Ship|type::Ship]]
Officers: officers::11 Any
Crew: crew::20 Any
Engineering: engineering::5 - 1 AI, 2 Weapon, 2 Module
Xydran Battlecraft Beta II
Beta Strike II: Chance for bonus damage; Extra damage against Huk-Kral raids
"It's better," the first engineer said.

"Think we're done?" the second asked.

"No... We can't just leave things in beta forever. Let's try a few more modifications..."

Obtained from

Lab: {{#varpull:LotS/experiment/xydranbattlecraftbetaii|Experiment|firstreward}}

{{#set:stamina=0 }} {{#set:energy=0 }} {{#set:honor=0 }} {{#set:pvp=0 }} {{#set:pvpattack=0 }} {{#set:pvpdefense=0 }} {{#set:health=0 }}

{{#set:color=Grey}} {{#set:ability=Beta Strike II: Chance for bonus damage; Extra damage against Huk-Kral raids}} {{#set:text="It's better," the first engineer said.

"Think we're done?" the second asked.

"No... We can't just leave things in beta forever. Let's try a few more modifications..."}} {{#set:obtained=Lab: {{#varpull:LotS/experiment/xydranbattlecraftbetaii|Experiment|firstreward}}}} {{#set:used=}} {{#set:notes=}} {{#set:unique=}}