LotS/Trulcharn Data

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name::Trulcharn Data [[:Category:LotS/type::Raid Data|type::Raid Data]]
Trulcharn Data
Summons Trulcharn
"No, mate. There's nothing dangerous on this planet. That's why I moved here from Australia -- didn't want to get bitten by a spider, or eaten by a dingo. Nah, those are just rumors. Some tourist has a few too many at the pub, wanders into the bush, and comes back with stories about a monster. He probably just saw my missus without her makeup on! Ha!" -- The last words of a tour guide on Etimegev
Obtained from

Facilities: Communication Tower

{{#set:stamina=0 }} {{#set:energy=0 }} {{#set:honor=0 }} {{#set:pvp=0 }} {{#set:pvpattack=0 }} {{#set:pvpdefense=0 }} {{#set:health=0 }}

{{#set:color=Green}} {{#set:ability=Summons Trulcharn}} {{#set:text="No, mate. There's nothing dangerous on this planet. That's why I moved here from Australia -- didn't want to get bitten by a spider, or eaten by a dingo. Nah, those are just rumors. Some tourist has a few too many at the pub, wanders into the bush, and comes back with stories about a monster. He probably just saw my missus without her makeup on! Ha!" -- The last words of a tour guide on Etimegev}} {{#set:obtained=Facilities: Communication Tower}} {{#set:used=}} {{#set:notes=}} {{#set:unique=}}