LotS/Psionic Neurologist

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name::Psionic Neurologist [[:Category:LotS/type::Crew|type::Crew]]
Attack: attack::25
Defense: defense::74
Race race::Human
Role class::Healer
Attribute bonus::Discipline

Psionic Neurologist
Psionic Neurologist increases Player Health by 20; Psionic Neurologist gains 1 Attack and Defense while Doctor Angela Lansbury is in the active Ship
"Before we begin this procedure, does your medical insurance cover brain explosions?" -- A psionic neurologist
Obtained from

Kalaxian Assault


{{#set:statdps=174 }} {{#set:minprocdps=0 }} {{#set:maxprocdps=0 }} {{#set:totalminprocdps=174 }} {{#set:totalmaxprocdps=174 }} {{#set:stamina=0 }} {{#set:energy=0 }} {{#set:honor=0 }} {{#set:pvp=0 }} {{#set:pvpattack=0 }} {{#set:pvpdefense=0 }} {{#set:health=0 }}

{{#set:color=Orange}} {{#set:ability=Psionic Neurologist increases Player Health by 20; Psionic Neurologist gains 1 Attack and Defense while Doctor Angela Lansbury is in the active Ship}} {{#set:text="Before we begin this procedure, does your medical insurance cover brain explosions?" -- A psionic neurologist}} {{#set:obtained=Kalaxian Assault}} {{#set:used=}} {{#set:notes=}} {{#set:unique=}}