LotS/The Story/Playing with Fire (Part 2)/Through Hellfire

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Alexa didn't scream. It wasn't the first time she'd found a creepy stalker in her dressing room. And if he tried anything... Well, her powers weren't just for show.

Yes! Don't worry... We'll destroy him. Would you like us to destroy him now? We could...

"You shouldn't be here," she said.

The big toe of her right foot pressed down on the button concealed on the floor under the dressing table. It yielded with a satisfying, reassuring heaviness.

"You'd better leave before security comes."

He sniffed the air.

"Your connection is strong..."

His voice... The strange accent, the underlying growl that came as though from a second, bestial throat... Alexa Haelia had dealt with plenty of freaks. Blackpool City was full of them. But something about him sent a cold shudder through her body.

He stepped towards her, his reflection looming through the darkness in the mirror.

She sprang out of her chair and whirled around, hands raised.

"Stay back!"

He took another step. They decided that was enough.

Flames raged across the room, illuminating the blackness in a ferocious, infernal blaze. An immense whoosh became a roar and a crackle. The man in black disappeared beneath gushing torrents of fire.

"Wait!" Alexa hissed. "I was just going to scare him!"

Mission accomplished. He was probably scared before we immolated him.


Her anger and their half-formed retort both evaporated.

A black shape emerged through the conflagration. Two azure slits glowed amid the fire.

That's impossible! We...

Alexa ran for the door. She tore it open and dashed into the corridor.

"Ms. Haelia!"

Two burly security guards, a human and a Snuuth, were running down the passage towards her. Each of them had a chunky blaster in his hands.

"In there! But he's... he's..."

"Leave it to us," the Snuuth said. "Go!"


The guards plunged into the room as Alexa hurtled down the corridor.

Their weapons fire zapped in her ears. Then came the screams.