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DBR > Items > The Gospel of Yuvon Tafiir


The Gospel of Yuvon Tafiir

by Ulfric Gold-Love

Alduin sat atop the throat of the world with his treasurer, Yuvon Tafiir by his side. "Master, you called for my counsel?" inquired Drog Tafiir

"The elves of the North refuse to worship us" Said Alduin, "It would take many dova to force them into submission. Even with an army of our human slaves it would take years at the least."

"My lord, might I recommend a more subtler approach?" Suggested Yuvon Tafiir, "Give me but one year, and I will have those elves begging for you to rule them."

Alduin Scoffed at this offer. "A year! How many forces will you need?"

"None", replied Yuvon Tafiir, I merely need to move some gold around"

Yuvon Tafiir then proceeded to buy up all the metal he could get from the dwemer. For he knew the elves to the north could not mine their own, their only supply came from deep within the dwemer cities. After several Months of buying vast quantities of metal, the prices throughout the land were higher than ever. Miners were desperate for money to open up new mines. Yuvon Tafiir started making loans to many of the dwemer miners who could not afford to expand. The Elves to the north became desperate for metal, any metal. Yuvon Tafiir gave out hundreds of pounds of gold in loans to Elven merchants, eager to open iron and ebony mines.

Nine months after Yuvon Tafiir made his promise to Alduin, he started calling in all the loans he'd made that year. The various merchants, suddenly needing liquidity, started selling off all their holdings. Yuvon Tafiir at the same time started selling all the metal he had accumulated in 9 months. What resulted was a massive crash in the metal market.

At the end of the year, Yuvon Tafiir met Alduin atop the Throat of the World to make good on his promise.

"Master, half the dwarven and elven population owe us more gold than their land is worth. They now beg us to buy their entire nation for mere copper nuggets." he reported.

"Impressive" said Alduin, "Your mastery of the market is truly supreme"

"Indeed" said Yuvon Tafiir, "For while you use power to obtain gold, I have mastered the art of manipulating gold to obtain power."

"The great secret of time", Said Alduin,


("nol fus yuvon ro, nol yuvon fus)" ...

Editor's Note: The meaning of the last statement in this text has been debated by Yuvon's Followers for centuries. Translated literally it means 'From force gold, balance(s) from gold force" Many have asserted that it is just a lengthy way of saying 'Money is Power'. Others believe that the 'ro' in the sentence is an equal sign, effectively turning the phrase into an equation. In this interpretation Alduin is stating that 'The amount of gold you can obtain through force is equal to the amount of force you can exert with gold' It is my personal belief that Alduin was just bragging that Using Power to obtain Gold is the same thing as using Gold to obtain power. Whatever you may believe, Yuvon Tafiir is infamous for refusing to explain his thinking to mortals, so we may never truly know.