LoH/cards/Sage Counsel

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​Sage Counsel
 Tempus #20   For the next 3 turns, your Allies deal +2 damage.
"Wait! An ill-conceived blow does the greatest harm to he who throws it." -- The Scarlet Tiger

"If you've got a better plan, I'm listening..." -- The Crime Blotter

<tabber> "Genesis"=

Genesis Cards
All Genesis
Common | Uncommon | Rare | Epic | Legendary
Martial | Tactical | Ally | Memento | Event
Power | Sculpting | Reflex | Psych | No Badge
Sub Types | Special | No Rarity

|-| "Tempus"=

Tempus Cards
All Tempus
Rare | Epic | Legendary
Martial | Tactical | Ally | Memento | Event
Power | Sculpting | Reflex | Psych | No Badge
Sub Types | Special

|-| "Vengeance"=

Vengeance Cards
All Vengeance
Uncommon | Rare | Epic | Legendary
Martial | Tactical | Ally | Memento | Event
Power | Sculpting | Reflex | Psych | No Badge
Sub Types | Special

|-| "Crisis"=

Crisis Cards
All Crisis
Common | Uncommon | Rare | Epic | Legendary
Martial | Tactical | Ally | Memento | Event
Power | Sculpting | Reflex | Psych | No Badge
Sub Types

|-| "Rift"=

Rift Cards
All Rift
Common | Uncommon | Rare | Epic | Legendary
Martial | Tactical | Ally | Memento | Event
Power | Sculpting | Reflex | Psych | No Badge
Sub Types | Special

|-| "Villain"=

Villain Cards
All Villain
Uncommon | Rare | Epic | Legendary
Martial | Tactical | Ally | Memento | Event
Power | Sculpting | Reflex | Psych | No Badge
Sub Types

|-| "Tribunal"=

Tribunal Cards
All Tribunal
Common | Uncommon | Rare | Epic | Legendary
Martial | Tactical | Ally | Memento | Event
Power | Sculpting | Reflex | Psych | No Badge
Sub Types

|-| "Promo"=

All Promo
Uncommon | Rare | Epic | Legendary
Martial | Tactical | Ally | Memento | Event
Power | Sculpting | Reflex | Psych | No Badge

|-| "Mastermind (Enemy)"=

Mastermind (Genesis)
All Mastermind (Genesis)
Mastermind (Tempus)
All Mastermind (Tempus)
Mastermind (Vengeance)
All Mastermind (Vengeance)
Mastermind (Crisis)
All Mastermind (Crisis)
Mastermind (Rift)
All Mastermind (Rift)
Mastermind (Tribunal)
All Mastermind (Tribunal)

|-| "Other"=

Other Lists
All Cards

|-| </tabber>

How to Obtain

  • Forge Recipe: 6x Book of Anger Managment