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Adventure Text Option 1 Option 2
The fragment of the Pentagram Breakthroughs occurs. People wonder how to use it. Summon Fire Pentagram from left to right. Summon Water Pentagram from up to down
1000+Level*100 gold 10 honor
Encounter an injured adult dragon. He promised to repay you countless treasure if you helped him. Kill the dragon and bath in the dragon's blood to get strengthen. Help the dragon and receive abundant treasure.
1000+Level*300 gold 50 honor
Found a purple spring. Drink it, you will improve your strength after a short-time coma. Take the spring and accept your fate. Sell the spring to the merchants.
1000+Level*200 gold 30 reputation
A fervent believer in Holy Light seems quite difference in the elemental land. All kinds of rumors about him have spread all over the land. Challenge with him, for the Elements! Discuss the difference between Holy Light and the Elements with him.
1000+Level*300 gold 50 reputation
Defeated the Grand Apothecary and obtained a dark-green potion named Empower Dragon Essence. Drink it without hesitation. It must come into affect after diarrhea and vomiting. Let Destiny Hunter drink some and then decide whether to have it or not.
1000+Level*300 gold 10 reputation 1000+Level*200 gold 30 reputation
Mistakenly entered the "Chaotic Realm", which is ruled by the God of Time. Only defeated your avatar will lead you out there. Gather all your strength to defeat your avatar. Make friends with your avatar and get out of the realm together.
1000+Level*100 gold 5 ActionPoints
Came across a Shangri-la in the adventure. Soft bed, tasty wine and charming beauties... all ask for your stay. Not my type. Go on my adventure. Drink the wine and have party with the beauties.
1000+Level*100 gold 30 Honor
The corrupted Stone Elements are attacking the villages. Use your mental strength to bring the element back to normal. Destroy it!
30 reputation 30 Honor
You accidentally know that the legends of Sleeping Beauty took place in a village, not far from your destination. Defeat the dragon, save the Beauty and have a happy life ever after. Just a legend. Move on to the destination.
1000+Level*200 gold 40 Honor
King Glancer is on a cruise around the country. However, there came a strange sound from the palace, making the listeners red and excited. Search for clues and capture the sound makers. Figure out the reason and avoid a palace revolution.
1000+Level*300 gold 50 Reputation
Secrets of Adventures: Run across the Tribes' dominions, you will find countless legendary Ancient Beasts and cultures of Divine in the vast wasteland. Sneer at it. Make a first-hand investigation there for many years.
1000+Level*100 gold 5 ActionPoints