Jugg/Rotten Craxon

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Revision as of 01:41, 31 March 2011 by Danxor (talk | contribs)
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Description of creature
[16 - 18] Rotten Craxon
Jugg/Rotten Craxon
Short description
Jugg/Monster/Rotten Craxon/Loot
This deadly plant has a black core and sharp spines that can easily pierce armor. The rot spreads along the plant's trunk, robbing it of any spark of reason and making it a truly furious opponent. This terrible creature kills not to feed or to protect itself – it gets pleasure from hearing the cries of frightened victims and it drinks their blood as if it were sweet nectar. Its keen senses mean it can tell when someone attacks a young Craxon in the vicinity, and it rushes to where the fight is taking place to protect its green relative.
Monster Information
Vitality 1209 (level 16)