< Age4
Player commands
The commands require a forward slash before it, for ex. - /inv
- validate - Logs into the character you are currently using. The syntax is /validate <password>. You will only log in if the password is correct. See /help password for more information.
- stats - A list of your player stats
- title - Set a title for yourself!
- nocast - toggles off spell casting
- who - a list of players online
- location - Displays your current XYZ coordinates
- cast <spellname> - Readies a spell for casting
- sing - Unknown
- use <item name> - Uses item ex. /use Restora - heals you for a random amount of hp
- sell <item name> - Sell said item to npc sign
- drop <item name> - Drops said item on the ground
- drop gp - Drops said amount of gold on the ground
- change - Unknown
- password - Sets a password for your character, mostly meant for tourists but is moot here
- nopassword - removes password?
- equip <item name> - equips said item, mandatory for armor, trinkets, shield, and weapons
- calcstats - calculate stats but doesn't return any output
- unequip <itemname> - unequips armor, trinkets, shields, and weapon.
- e - Brings up a list of equipment you have on at the moment.
- eq - Shows a list of your equipment and all possible equipment slots.
- eqlist - Shows a list of your equipment and its stats.
- equipment - Shows a list of your equipment and its stats as well as all possible slots.
- skills - Shows a list of spells you currently have learned.
- spells - returns a list of learned spells
- inventory - returns current items in players inventory
- inv - same as inventory
- i - same as inventory
- recall - returns you to your purchased recall point
- afk - Puts the player into an afk state
- pvp - Used for war, players can fight each other as long as both players are in pvp mode
- safety - Toggles safety mode; even though you type /pvp you have to toggle off safety mode in order to pvp
- reset - WARNING: using this command may result in your character being deleted permanently. That means your level, gp, equipment everything gone, so use Cautiously. Staff isn't responsible to restore your stuff if you accidentally typed this command.
- time - returns current time and date, this is your personal time not server time
- uptime - returns server bot uptime, for ex: DM Aide has been running for: 1 days 4 hours 8 minutes 29 seconds
- destroy <item name> - Destroys item you specify, for ex: Command: /destroy orc meat You destroyed the Orc Meat
- examine <item name> - Returns a description of specified item; for ex: Command: /examine orc axe; You are looking at Orc Axe; This stout Orc Axe has been stained with blood and would be of little use to you.
- help - gives helpful info for anything typed after help
- dragon heal - Uses a dragon coin to fully restore hp and mp
- dragon gold - gives you 200 gp for a dragon coin
- dragon bind (number) - ((not working)) Binds a dragon coin to the location you are standing at.
- dragon teleport list returns a list of dragon coin teleports
- dragon teleport (number) - teleports you to indicated dragon coin location at the cost of a dragon coin
- dragon refresh (number)
- dragon morph (number 0 to 20)
staff Level 1
- r (0 to 255)
- g (0 to 255)
- b (0 to 255)
- stats (player)
- eject (player)
- av (number)
- goto (location)
- saveloc (name)
- join (name)
- dmjn (name) - offline join
Staff Level 2
- aggro
- npcstats (name)
- objects
- itemstats (name)
- equipstats (name)
- hide
- monstats (id)
- monsearch (name)
- itemsearch (name)
- equipsearch (name)
- loc
Staff Level 3
- nohud
- heal
- buy (item)
- skills (player)
- spells (player)
- inventory (player)
- equipment (player)
- depop all
- depop table (id)
- pop all tables
- pop all (id)
- pop table (id)
- pop from table (id)
- pop (loc id) (spawn id)
- depop (id)
- check table (id)
- check (id)
- clear all
- clear (id)
- reload (type)
- whois
- xz (x) (z)
- xyz (x) (y) (z)
- chatlog
Staff level 4
- grant (player) (skill/spell)
- edit player,stat,value [only works on some skills not base ones like slash, bludgeon etc]
- write
- read
- summon
- ban
Unimplemented commands
- queststats
- quest stats
- test
- spam
- put
- empty
- create