LotS/raids/general/Colonies Corruption

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Revision as of 23:31, 1 August 2014 by Yellow47 (talk | contribs)
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{{LotS/raidgal |name=Infested Colony (Rare Spawn) |raidlistname=Colony |type=General |size=Galactic |tactics=3 |players=90000 |time=24 Hours |cooldown=None |type1=Galactic |type2=Organic Humanoid |type3=Alien Beast |type4=Infestation |type5= |type6= |notes=
Infested Colony was updated on 2014.07.09. The new loot poster is here and [here. This Halloween-themed Rare Spawn event appeared on October 25, 2012. The official loot poster is here and here. }}