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The Sunderground

Megabrawl Story: The Sunderground
[[Image:LoH_Cards_{{#varpull: LoH/cards/The Conservator|LoH/Card|image}}|180px|]] The Conservator: You look able-bodied.

Asclepius knows we have a shortage of that right now!

[[Image:LoH_Cards_{{#varpull: LoH/cards/The Conservator|LoH/Card|image}}|180px|]] The Conservator: We have a crisis that demands every able body to deal with it.

And most of the teachers and upperclassmen are still in the infirmary.

[[Image:LoH_Cards_{{#varpull: LoH/cards/The Conservator|LoH/Card|image}}|180px|]] The Conservator: Even Little Susie Homewrecker is fighting alongside the good guys for this one.

Maybe she is not a total lost cause after all.

[[Image:LoH_Cards_{{#varpull: LoH/cards/Sunder|LoH/Card|image}}|180px|]] The Conservator: With just about every hero and nearly every villain knocked out of commission during the attack on the school...

Sunder has unified all the henchmen into a well-organized criminal organization that is terrorizing the city!

[[Image:LoH_Cards_{{#varpull: LoH/cards/Kindling|LoH/Card|image}}|180px|]] The Conservator: I know you have fought them before but...

...and this is very important...

[[Image:LoH_Cards_{{#varpull: LoH/cards/Gingerhaired Men|LoH/Card|image}}|180px|]] The Conservator: ...do not underestimate them!

They are organized and more powerful than before.

[[Image:LoH_Cards_{{#varpull: LoH/cards/Sunderlings|LoH/Card|image}}|180px|]] The Conservator: And they are everywhere. The city is on the verge of utter chaos.
[[Image:LoH_Cards_{{#varpull: LoH/cards/Field Dressing|LoH/Card|image}}|180px|]] The Conservator: I am trying to get as many bodies out the door as quickly as possible.

Everyone is going to have to fight together if we have any hope of saving the city.

[[Image:LoH_Cards_{{#varpull: LoH/cards/Back on Your Feet|LoH/Card|image}}|180px|]] The Conservator: Good luck! I will get as many emergents to help as quickly as I can!

Bantam: You heard the lovely lady. Let's go knock some heads in.

The Schism: Handhold

Megabrawl Story: The Schism: Handhold
[[Image:LoH_Cards_{{#varpull: LoH/cards/Help from Above|LoH/Card|image}}|180px|]] Aloysius Zeroth: This is even worse than I suspected --

-- Worse than even Shimmerstorm led me to believe!

[[Image:LoH_Cards_{{#varpull: LoH/cards/Help from Above|LoH/Card|image}}|180px|]] Aloysius Zeroth: She brought me here from the 80s to show me that The Schism was not just a threat in my time.

-- Show me that The Schism is a threat to this reality's very existence!

[[Image:LoH_Cards_{{#varpull: LoH/cards/The Schism: Handhold|LoH/Card|image}}|180px|]] Aloysius Zeroth: It is tearing its way into our reality through holes in at least three different points in the timeline.

Agents have done their best to create that hole in this time --

[[Image:LoH_Cards_{{#varpull: LoH/cards/The Schism: Handhold|LoH/Card|image}}|180px|]] Aloysius Zeroth: The actions -- sometimes necessary actions -- have created openings in other times.

But we are going to need everyone to focus on the task at hand.

[[Image:LoH_Cards_{{#varpull: LoH/cards/Team Spirit|LoH/Card|image}}|180px|]] The Crime Blotter: Did someone say "everyone"?

Devastatrix: This is not the time for personal differences!

[[Image:LoH_Cards_{{#varpull: LoH/cards/Team Spirit|LoH/Card|image}}|180px|]] The Southside Sentry: Let's slap this hand back to where it came from!

Shimmerstorm: And hope we are all ready for when and where the rest of it tries to come through.

Schism: Footfall

Megabrawl Story: Schism: Footfall
[[Image:LoH_Cards_{{#varpull: LoH/cards/Cover Fire|LoH/Card|image}}|180px|]] Aloysius Zeroth: Are you done scratching your itch?

You probably found more questions than answers.

[[Image:LoH_Cards_{{#varpull: LoH/cards/Cover Fire|LoH/Card|image}}|180px|]] Aloysius Zeroth: Let's deal with the task you came back to the time to deal with in the first place!

Save the hard looks for later --

[[Image:LoH_Cards_{{#varpull: LoH/cards/Arch Villainy|LoH/Card|image}}|180px|]] Aloysius Zeroth: If there is a later.

If The Schism manages to make it through into our reality...

[[Image:LoH_Cards_{{#varpull: LoH/cards/Last Stand|LoH/Card|image}}|180px|]] Aloysius Zeroth: Then we may very well end up having never existed.

The Genesis Squadron was formed to prepare for another threat.

[[Image:LoH_Cards_{{#varpull: LoH/cards/Welcome Wagon|LoH/Card|image}}|180px|]] Aloysius Zeroth: But they have barely had time to get to know each other.

Much less how to work as a team.

[[Image:LoH_Cards_{{#varpull: LoH/cards/Schism: Footfall|LoH/Card|image}}|180px|]] Aloysius Zeroth: We need to find every able body to join this battle.

And if we can somehow overcome pretty steep odds...

[[Image:LoH_Cards_{{#varpull: LoH/cards/Cover Fire|LoH/Card|image}}|180px|]] Aloysius Zeroth: ...You will live long enough to carry a grudge.

Schism: Arrived

Megabrawl Story: Schism: Arrived
[[Image:LoH_Cards_{{#varpull: LoH/cards/Space Station Zeroth|LoH/Card|image}}|180px|]] Space Station Zeroth: My scans show that your body... and powers... have been pushed beyond their limit.

But the threat facing this reality is far from defeated.

[[Image:LoH_Cards_{{#varpull: LoH/cards/Zeroth Unity|LoH/Card|image}}|180px|]] Space Station Zeroth: After his defeat at the hands of you and your fellow emergents, the one who called himself Absolute Zeroth agreed to incorporate with the original.
[[Image:LoH_Cards_{{#varpull: LoH/cards/Zeroth Unity|LoH/Card|image}}|180px|]] Space Station Zeroth: Their plan was to use their combined might to defeat The Schism and then work together to return Dr. Tessera to her original form.
[[Image:LoH_Cards_{{#varpull: LoH/cards/Young Zeroth|LoH/Card|image}}|180px|]] Space Station Zeroth: But something went wrong.

The result of their fusion scans as Zeroth but a teenaged version of himself whose powers have not fully emerged.

[[Image:LoH_Cards_{{#varpull: LoH/cards/Schism: Arrived|LoH/Card|image}}|180px|]] Space Station Zeroth: I am afraid this reality's best hope of defeating The Schism is decades away from the height of his powers...

...and we needed him 10 minutes ago when The Schism arrived in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean and started wading to shore.

[[Image:LoH_Cards_{{#varpull: LoH/cards/Brink of Destruction|LoH/Card|image}}|180px|]] Space Station Zeroth: You are going to have to join forces with every emergent that we can possibly muster if we have any chance of this reality remaining intact.

And if we still all exist after that we can worry about young Master Zeroth.

Ms. Modulus

Megabrawl Story: Ms. Modulus
[[Image:LoH_Cards_{{#varpull: LoH/cards/Oh, Hi!|LoH/Card|image}}|180px|]] Quickhit: Okay...I know I have been like a jerk...

...Or whatever.

[[Image:LoH_Cards_{{#varpull: LoH/cards/Oh, Hi!|LoH/Card|image}}|180px|]] Quickhit: But that's just me messing around.

This is for reals. Zeroth needs our help.

[[Image:LoH_Cards_{{#varpull: LoH/cards/Ms. Modulus|LoH/Card|image}}|180px|]] Quickhit: He was captured by this lady villain who goes by Ms. Modulus.

My uncle and Zeroth fought her back with the Meanwhile Squadron.

[[Image:LoH_Cards_{{#varpull: LoH/cards/Wiggle Room|LoH/Card|image}}|180px|]] Quickhit: She can sculpt things hard as rock or make her body as fluid as mercury.
[[Image:LoH_Cards_{{#varpull: LoH/cards/Taunting|LoH/Card|image}}|180px|]] Quickhit: She has Zeroth - and in his young form he can't fully access his powers.

Johnny Tinker tried to stop her...

[[Image:LoH_Cards_{{#varpull: LoH/cards/Saving Grab|LoH/Card|image}}|180px|]] Quickhit: But he got distracted...

It's all my fault.

[[Image:LoH_Cards_{{#varpull: LoH/cards/Strung Up|LoH/Card|image}}|180px|]] Quickhit: It is not easy for me to ask for help...

But Zeroth needs ours badly...
please...help him.

Daddy 2.0

Megabrawl Story: Daddy 2.0
[[Image:LoH_Cards_{{#varpull: LoH/cards/Hacking the System|LoH/Card|image}}|180px|]] Young Zeroth: I may not have all my memories back. I don't have any idea who this creep Daddy2.0 is for example.
[[Image:LoH_Cards_{{#varpull: LoH/cards/Hacking the System|LoH/Card|image}}|180px|]] Young Zeroth: But I am getting sick and tired of fighting these bad guys on their own terms.

I think I can hack these Eye-Bots so I can take the battle to whatever corner of the internet he is infesting.

[[Image:LoH_Cards_{{#varpull: LoH/cards/Daddy 2.0|LoH/Card|image}}|180px|]] Young Zeroth: Here's the problem. It looks like these Eye-Bots are loaded with powerful explosives.

Meaning that this HenchMob are walking and talking landmines that he can set off if he thinks he is in danger.

Young Zeroth: I need you all to keep him occupied while I sneak in and can threaten a little mutually assured destruction.

The important thing is that you keep him fighting for as long as possible. As long as he thinks he is toying with us he won't put us away.


Brawl Event Story: Phaeton
Billy Stopless: I have never used my powers quite that way before...

Professor Helios had me send him somewhere ... somewhen ... else.

Moxie: He abandoned us?
Billy Stopless: I don't think so. He seemed to think we would never beat Phaeton if he stayed here.
Billy Stopless: Whether he abandoned us or not we need to defeat his son...
[[Image:LoH_Cards_{{#varpull: LoH/cards/Phaeton|LoH/Card|image}}|180px|]] Billy Stopless: ...lest he burn the world down looking for his revenge.

We will need all the weapons at our disposal to do so. We have to trust that Helios had a plan and that we are all a part of it.


Brawl Event Story: Worms
Cornerstone: Why is this ground so wet?
[[Image:LoH_Cards_{{#varpull: LoH/cards/Footnotes|LoH/Card|image}}|180px|]] Chronarchivist: According to my book there were torrential downpours in this area yesterday.
Cornerstone: Ummm... Whenever it rains where I come from it brings out...
[[Image:LoH_Cards_{{#varpull: LoH/cards/Worm|LoH/Card|image}}|180px|]] Cornerstone: ...all the worms!!

Schism: Nightmare

Brawl Event Story: Schism: Nightmare
[[Image:LoH_Cards_{{#varpull: LoH/cards/Coax|LoH/Card|image}}|180px|]] Coax: Dreams... They can be wonderful, can't they, PlayerName?

Especially when you dream of me!

[[Image:LoH_Cards_{{#varpull: LoH/cards/Coax|LoH/Card|image}}|180px|]] Coax: Oh... But you've forgotten what we talked about.

Eclectic training, remember? So you'd be ready to deal with anything?

[[Image:LoH_Cards_{{#varpull: LoH/cards/Dead in Your Tracks|LoH/Card|image}}|180px|]] Coax: That's why I'm here. Sorry, but this dream's about to become a nightmare...
[[Image:LoH_Cards_{{#varpull: LoH/cards/Schism: Arrived|LoH/Card|image}}|180px|]] Coax: You'll thank me in the morning...

After you're done screaming.

Johnny TinkerTron

Brawl Event Story: Johnny TinkerTron
[[Image:LoH_Cards_{{#varpull: LoH/cards/Johnny: TinkerTron|LoH/Card|image}}|180px|]] Johnny TinkerTron: The way I understand it, the existence of my whole reality and all the folks back home depends on me putting y'all down for good.
[[Image:LoH_Cards_{{#varpull: LoH/cards/Stomp|LoH/Card|image}}|180px|]] Johnny TinkerTron: Well, I don't know where you're from, or how you can do what you do...
[[Image:LoH_Cards_{{#varpull: LoH/cards/Two Scoops|LoH/Card|image}}|180px|]] Johnny TinkerTron: ...but this suit is two hundred tons of hell, and it's stepped on badder pests than you lot.
Johnny TinkerTron: So no offense, but I don't care how many of you there are.

If only one world is coming out of this, I'll do whatever it takes to make sure it's mine.

Dr. Tessera

Brawl Event Story: Dr. Tessera
[[Image:LoH_Cards_{{#varpull: LoH/cards/Bookworm: The Whom|LoH/Card|image}}|180px|]] Bookworm: Tessera! It's time to come clean... I'm looking for answers about Pesticide, and I have the feeling you're my last stop.
[[Image:LoH_Cards_{{#varpull: LoH/cards/Dr. Tessera|LoH/Card|image}}|180px|]] Dr. Tessera: Now now, you know I love to talk about my work, even the failed experiments. All you ever had to do was ask... you of all people.
[[Image:LoH_Cards_{{#varpull: LoH/cards/The Conservator|LoH/Card|image}}|180px|]] The Conservator: Not another word, Tessera... this would break him.
[[Image:LoH_Cards_{{#varpull: LoH/cards/Dr. Tessera|LoH/Card|image}}|180px|]] Dr. Tessera: You couldn't stop me then, Conservator. You won't now. What are you worried about, anyway? Of the brothers, he has the strongest mind. He certainly didn't get it from his father.
[[Image:LoH_Cards_{{#varpull: LoH/cards/Bookworm: The Whom|LoH/Card|image}}|180px|]] Bookworm: ...my father...?
[[Image:LoH_Cards_{{#varpull: LoH/cards/Dr. Tessera|LoH/Card|image}}|180px|]] Dr. Tessera: Oh of course, you never knew him, he was already a loser when I plucked him out of the gutter. And that's right where he ended up again, after he escaped. What a waste of my time.

ixNay's Silence

Brawl Event Story: Ixnay's Silence
[[Image:LoH_Cards_{{#varpull: LoH/cards/The Abyss: Genesis|LoH/Card|image}}|180px|]] The Abyss: IxNay. Of course. Where else would a trail of bodies lead? This has gone on for far, far too long.

He was brilliant once, but now... he's just an abomination. The blood he's spilled is on my hands.

[[Image:LoH_Cards_{{#varpull: LoH/cards/IxNay: ostLay|LoH/Card|image}}|180px|]] The Abyss: He was so gifted, took so naturally to the dark. I should have known he would fall to it.

I should have known it was him the instant the first body was found. But I was blind.

[[Image:LoH_Cards_{{#varpull: LoH/cards/Mind's Eye|LoH/Card|image}}|180px|]] The Abyss: I realized too late to save the other students, his string of victims. Too late by far to redeem him. The others never knew he was the killer.

I confronted him, alone. Just master...

[[Image:LoH_Cards_{{#varpull: LoH/cards/Greater Focus|LoH/Card|image}}|180px|]] The Abyss: ...and pupil.
[[Image:LoH_Cards_{{#varpull: LoH/cards/Puppet Strings|LoH/Card|image}}|180px|]] The Abyss: He had the unique ability to cast his mind from his body at will. To walk as a spectre, untouchable, and manipulate his foes.

I snared him and destroyed the connection between his mind and body, leaving it a lifeless husk.

[[Image:LoH_Cards_{{#varpull: LoH/cards/The Abyss: Genesis|LoH/Card|image}}|180px|]] The Abyss: Just a John Doe in the morgue, the others thought he left. And that was the end, or so I thought.

He was even stronger than I had imagined. His mind survived outside his body, twisted and adrift.

[[Image:LoH_Cards_{{#varpull: LoH/cards/Ix-Nay: oundFay|LoH/Card|image}}|180px|]] The Abyss: It was the Hat who found him, realized his worth, and devised him a way back to the physical world. All for the price of his servitude. Control of his bloodlust.
[[Image:LoH_Cards_{{#varpull: LoH/cards/IxNay|LoH/Card|image}}|180px|]] The Abyss: That isn't just a sensory deprivation suit he wears... it's a containment suit. An animate shell that holds the tattered remains of Xavier's mind soul. A husk filled with madness and hate.
[[Image:LoH_Cards_{{#varpull: LoH/cards/Master and Disciple|LoH/Card|image}}|180px|]] The Abyss: IxNay is the ghost of my past mistakes and arrogance. A monster of my making.

It's long past time I put him down.