
Revision as of 05:56, 7 February 2013 by Plujan (talk | contribs)
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Hi, I'm plujan. I first started playing LoH for the badges, but I found it to be fun enough that I've continued playing long afterwards. I discovered zoywiki not long after starting, and have found it a very useful resource, but gradually it became clear that it wasn't always keeping up with the new content, so I've added in as much data as I can collect on the new issues, brawls, and Megabrawls.

I've also been working on collecting the LoH storyline (now mostly done!) If you're interested in helping out, check out the forum thread.

Current status

Here's how things are going with the quests:

Issue Storyline Normal decks Crisis decks
Issue 1 Complete Complete Complete
Issue 2 Complete Complete Complete
Issue 3 Complete Complete Complete
Issue 4 Complete Complete Complete
Issue 5 Complete Complete Complete
Issue 6 Complete partially complete Complete
Issue 7 Complete Complete Complete
Issue 8 Complete nearly complete Complete
Issue 9
Complete mostly complete Complete
Issue 9
(Abs. Zeroth)
Complete Complete empty
Issue 10 Complete Complete Complete
Issue 11 Complete Complete a few done
Issue 12 Complete Complete some done

How to reconstruct a deck

I find the opponent decks one of the more useful features in zoywiki, but unfortunately this information has to be collected by hand. This is pretty simple for most mission opponents, but for bosses or brawl opponents it can get quite tricky, so here's a few tips I've got for making the process easier.

  1. Note how many cards are in the opponent's deck at the beginning of the fight.
  2. Win the fight.
  3. Look at the banish pile (it can sometimes be difficult to find the place to click -- the "hot spot" is about at the top of the deck when there's 20 cards or so). Sort the cards by name, and then note the quantities of each. Do the same for the depletion pile, and then add the two together.
  4. Hopefully you will get the same number as when you started. For easier enemies, this shouldn't be much a of a problem (unless maybe you added in a Sleeper Agent or two, but those are easy to account for), but in the later game you have harder enemies which add in a lot of cards to their deck (often by depletion effects, which are very difficult to track). So you'll need a different solution...

If the enemy has added a lot of cards to their deck, click on the Battle Log, click "Click for full log" at the top, and then copy and paste the whole thing into your word processor of choice. Lines where an enemy adds a card to their deck appear like "Afterimage adds Afterimage Token to their deck", so you can just search for "Afterimage adds" and find all of them. Count up all of the cards that are added, and then subtract from the total. Hopefully now your total agrees. This doesn't always work -- some enemies, like The Three Harmonies brawl, add a very large number of cards to their deck, and in this case the battle log seems to not follow everything, so if that happens you may just have to try again. Generally, though, things should agree -- if they don't, then you probably miscounted somewhere.

Fire From Within

Fire from Within can cause problems in the above because it doesn't appear in the log like other cards...instead, it'll say something like "The Accelerant sends Fire from Within to <player>'s deck", so it's easy to miss. You probably won't be using it (although perhaps someone else might use it in a brawl), but a few enemies do carry this card, so watch out!

Cards being cut off

In enemies with large decks, sometimes the bottom cards are cut off (even if you scroll all the way down, you won't be able to see them). In this case, pretty much the only way to fix it is to try a different sort order and hope they show up. Fortunately since opponent decks tend to contain a lot of copies of the same card, you'll probably be able to figure out what you're missing, but it's still easy to miss a card like The Road to Hell or Up and at 'em, so pay close attention to the totals in this case.

Cards with multiple versions

There are two cards (as of this writing) that come in more than one version: Mighty Blow and Splash Damage. The reason for this is simple: these originally were NPC-only cards, but they were also released as rewards for the first Megabrawl (Sunderground), for which they were made into playable versions. The differences are:

  • The NPC versions have no rarity (white title), while the player versions are Epic. In addition, the player versions have a number in the Genesis set (the text directly underneath the art).
  • The NPC version of Mighty Blow has the Mastermind badge, while the player version (obviously) does not.

In the wiki, these are differentiated by their internal numbers, so the NPC versions are Mighty Blow (222) and Splash Damage (236), respectively, while the player versions are Mighty Blow (262) and Splash Damage (263). You need to specify the number in order for the card to link properly, although you can prevent it from being displayed by including the name as a third argument to the template, like so: {{LoH/DeckRow|Splash Damage (236)|5|Splash Damage}}

Most NPCs use the NPC version of these cards (not surprisingly), but in i10 it seems like the Splash Damages are the player version (although the difference here is purely cosmetic anyway).