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'Update The packs were updated in game on 1/9/13 and will be updated here shortly


  • All Expedition Packs require Golden Suns (GS).
  • Each time you purchase an Expedition Pack, you will receive one item.
  • Sometimes, Limited Time Items (yellow) will appear in Expeditions.
  • Items that first appear in Expedition Packs will never be sold as Limited Time Items in the game shop.

New Item Pack

  • The New Item Pack contains completely new items, added to the game for the first time.
  • Each New Item Pack item has a base price of 40 GS.
  • When the New Item Pack goes on sale, the price is reduced by 50% to 20 GS.
    • Note that even during sales, duplicate New Item Pack items still cost 40 GS.
  • When you purchase an item from the New Item Pack, you will never receive duplicates.
  • Once you purchase all 28 items, buttons will appear that will allow you to select which duplicates you wish to purchase.

Relic Pack

  • The Relic Pack contains existing items, for people who still wish to obtain certain things.
  • Each Relic Pack item has a base price of 30 GS.
  • When the Relic Pack goes on sale, the price is reduced by 33% to 20 GS.
  • When you purchase an item from the Relic Pack, you will receive duplicates.

Mystery Pack

  • The Mystery Pack contains a mixture of new and old items, along with the chance to win Golden Suns.
  • Each Mystery Pack item has a base price of 35 GS.
  • When the Mystery Pack goes on sale, the price is reduced by 40% to 20 GS.
  • When you purchase an item from the Mystery Pack, you will receive duplicates.

The Expedition Archive

  • Contains links to retired Expedition Packs.