Jugg/Professions/Potion Brewer

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Becoming a Potion Brewer

To become a Healer you must obtain

[[File:Jugg {{#varpull:Jugg/Potion Brewer's Manual|Jugg/Item|image}}|40px|Potion Brewer's Manual|link=Jugg/Potion Brewer's Manual]] Potion Brewer's Manual

from NPC Stone Prisoner Erray in Crossroads. This can be done for free if it is your first time to pick a profession, or if you wish to change professions you may pay 500, and buy the a new manual at Tower of Secrets in Crossroads , but you will not be able to use your old profession anymore.

The companion gathering profession to Potion Brewer is Healer

Potion Brewer Recipes

Trivial Item Source Result
[[File:Jugg {{#varpull:Jugg/Recipe: Mint Ash|Jugg/Item|image}}|40px|Recipe: Mint Ash|link=Jugg/Recipe: Mint Ash]] Recipe: Mint Ash
  • Tower of Secrets
[[File:Jugg {{#varpull:Jugg/Skillet of Mint Ash|Jugg/Item|image}}|40px|Skillet of Mint Ash|link=Jugg/Skillet of Mint Ash]] Skillet of Mint Ash (12 pcs.)
[[File:Jugg {{#varpull:Jugg/Recipe: Small Elixir of Life|Jugg/Item|image}}|40px|Recipe: Small Elixir of Life|link=Jugg/Recipe: Small Elixir of Life]] Recipe: Small Elixir of Life
  • Level 10-12 creatures
[[File:Jugg {{#varpull:Jugg/Small Elixir of Life|Jugg/Item|image}}|40px|Small Elixir of Life|link=Jugg/Small Elixir of Life]] Small Elixir of Life (3 pcs.)
[[File:Jugg {{#varpull:Jugg/Recipe: Small Elixir of Hero|Jugg/Item|image}}|40px|Recipe: Small Elixir of Hero|link=Jugg/Recipe: Small Elixir of Hero]] Recipe: Small Elixir of Hero
  • Level 13-15 creatures
[[File:Jugg {{#varpull:Jugg/Small Elixir of Hero|Jugg/Item|image}}|40px|Small Elixir of Hero|link=Jugg/Small Elixir of Hero]] Small Elixir of Hero (1 pcs.)
[[File:Jugg {{#varpull:Jugg/Recipe: Aloe Ash|Jugg/Item|image}}|40px|Recipe: Aloe Ash|link=Jugg/Recipe: Aloe Ash]] Recipe: Aloe Ash
  • Level 16-18 creatures
[[File:Jugg {{#varpull:Jugg/Skillet of Aloe Ash|Jugg/Item|image}}|40px|Skillet of Aloe Ash|link=Jugg/Skillet of Aloe Ash]] Skillet of Aloe Ash (9 pcs.)
[[File:Jugg {{#varpull:Jugg/Recipe: Medium Elixir of Life|Jugg/Item|image}}|40px|Recipe: Medium Elixir of Life|link=Jugg/Recipe: Medium Elixir of Life]] Recipe: Medium Elixir of Life
  • ???
[[File:Jugg {{#varpull:Jugg/Medium Elixir of Life|Jugg/Item|image}}|40px|Medium Elixir of Life|link=Jugg/Medium Elixir of Life]] Medium Elixir of Life (3 pcs.)
[[File:Jugg {{#varpull:Jugg/Recipe: Medium Elixir of Hero|Jugg/Item|image}}|40px|Recipe: Medium Elixir of Hero|link=Jugg/Recipe: Medium Elixir of Hero]] Recipe: Medium Elixir of Hero
  • ???
[[File:Jugg {{#varpull:Jugg/Medium Elixir of Hero|Jugg/Item|image}}|40px|Medium Elixir of Hero|link=Jugg/Medium Elixir of Hero]] Medium Elixir of Hero (1 pcs.)