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If Angels Fight (1)

"When asked for comment, the senator grabbed the flag, fired his gun in the air, and jumped through the nearest window. He remains at large." The newscaster smiled from the holographic screen, displaying teeth so dazzling they appeared to glow. "And in interstellar news, tension continues to mount between the angels."

A garish graphic consumed the screen, while an invisible choir sang what sounded like a catchy jingle version of a medieval hymn. Three cartoon angels glared at each other for a second. Then they started scrapping, until their solid-color bodies disappeared in a turbulent ball of smoke, flashing stars, and streams of nonsensical text symbols. The words "Trouble in Paradise" flashed over the cartoon carnage.

The image disappeared, revealing the anchor once more. The radioactive smile still lingered on his face.

"Let's go over to Mindy Mazmarth on Jerusalem Maior for more on the story."

The screen spilt in two, shunting the anchor over to the left while a new window opened on the right. It showed a woman with a perky smile and a turquoise blouse.

"I'm Mindy Mazmarth, reporting from Jerusalem Maior."

"The viewers already know that, Mindy. I just told them."

"Go to hell, Roy. And while you're there, tell your mother she raised a douchebag." Her smile remained unbroken save for a slight twitch at the corner, and her voice maintained the same tone as she continued. "This world has been the focal point of several theological and political disputes over the years. But analysts believe matters are coming to a head, and if not handled carefully could spill out into widespread armed conflict. The Archangels, who control Jerusalem Maior, are under pressure from the Fallen Angels and the Electric Angels, religious offshoot groups who each demand full access to the planet and its Grand Temple."

"I understand that talks are scheduled to begin tomorrow, in the hope of resolving the situation."

"That's right. Prime Minister Wu Tenchu of the Sian Empire arrived here this morning. Wu, one of human space's most respected political figures, has been chosen to act as an arbitrator during the summit. Meanwhile, dignitaries from several other UHW members are also on-world -- meeting with the different angel factions."

"And I hear a number of celebrities are lending their dubious support to the cause."

"Yes, in the proud tradition of celebrity attention whoring, singers, actors, athletes, and socialites have flocked to Jerusalem Maior to promote peace through concerts, film festivals, and other events that nobody asked for and, by and large, nobody wants. The one that's garnered the most attention is the upcoming thugby match pitting the Sian Dragons-"

The screen went blank, banishing the anchor and reporter. The woman in the spaceship's stateroom had heard enough. She rose from her chair and crossed the chamber, to where a full-length mirror adorned the wall. Hard eyes stared back at her from a middle-aged face, beneath a bob of dark, close-cropped hair. There was a tattoo on the reflected woman's right cheek. A hand rose, and two fingers traced the mark's outline.

She held the reflection's gaze for several long moments. Then the face shifted, its features flowing and rippling like water. When the ripples had settled, a young, pretty woman gazed at her from bright, warm eyes. The tattoo was gone.

Her fingers brushed the bare skin where it had been.

"Soon..." she whispered.

"Here come the Dragons, Bob!"

Jesse Shark's voice rang out over the stadium, projected from the commentary booth nestled high among the boxes. Emerald green figures were emerging from the tunnel onto the field below.

"There's Talia Ryx," his partner, Bob 'Blam' Boser said, "leading her team out. You know, Jesse, if I was a Sian Dragon, I'd have a few words with my captain right about now. A friendly match? What's that all about?"

"And there we have our first indecent gesture of the day. I don't think Talia appreciated that comment, Bob. But for anyone out there who's just joining us, this match between the Dragons and the Angels has indeed been declared a 'friendly'. That means the players won't try to maim or kill each other."

"Is it thugby or hopscotch? I can't believe they made us come out here for this!"

"Fans of thugby-related fatalities like my broadcast colleague may be disappointed, but this match is being heralded as a wonderful diplomatic event. Look -- there are the Angels! This brand new team includes members from the Archangels, Electric Angels, and Fallen Angels. They've all set aside their differences, come together, and put on the same armor for this special charity match. Come on, Bob! Isn't that what sport's all about? Bringing people together?"

"Not thugby! It's about tearing them apart and eating their organs! Blood and guts, Jesse! Blood and guts!"

"Ha! Okay, Bob! But still, in the middle of all this religious and political turmoil..."

"Save the speech! The teams are getting into position, and we're about to get started."

"The referee's tossed the ball in, and there's the scrum. This may be a friendly, but those punches they're throwing sure aren't! That Snuuth Angel knocked Kai Wung spinning!"

"But look at Virgil Jackson, Jesse! He's swinging at Angels left and right. It's like a scene from Paradise Lost!"

"Nice literary reference, Bob! You liked Milton's poem?"

"Poem? I watched the movie! Poetry's for losers, Jesse!"

"Oh! 'Great Wall' Guan just broke through, and he has the ball! He's running down the pitch! And one of the Angels' defenders is heading over to intercept him... The number on her armor is 'Rom 12.1'... According to my display, that's Mary Ronara, one of the Fallen Angels."

"Rom 12.1? What kind of number's that?"

"It's a Bible verse, Bob! All of the Angels are wearing their favorite Bible verses as numbers. Ronara's fast... She's cutting across the field and moving in for a front tackle. This could be a mistake! Oh... Did you see that?"

"Guan smashed through her like she was the queue at an 'all you can eat' buffet! He launched her straight into the crowd! Where's her God now?"

"Bob! You can't say things like that on Jerusalem Maior! The local fans will lynch us... Or crucify us!"

"They've got other things to worry about right now, Jesse. That's a touchdown! One-nil to the Dragons!"

"Mary Ronara's staggering back onto the field, and her teammates are going over to help her. They... Wow!"

"Ha! He shoved her on her ass! And now he's yelling at her!"

"That's '2 Sam 23.12', Tarzark Krun of the Electric Angels."

"He's blaming her for the touchdown!"

"That's not really fair, Bob! I'd like to see Krun try to stop 'Great Wall' Guan when he's charging at full speed!"

"Another Angel's getting in his face now! And... I knew it! The punches are flying, Jesse!"

"Look at that! Talia Ryx and Leif Gunderson are pulling the fighting Angels apart!"

"Spoilsports! Ha! But they're too late! The rest of the Angels are getting in on the action! They're all beating the hell out of their own teammates!"

"The entire Sian Dragons team is trying to separate them, Bob -- but they aren't having much luck. What a disaster for this well-intentioned diplomatic effort..."

"You know what they say about the road to hell, Jesse."


"No idea... But in a couple of minutes you'll be able to pick up a Ouija board and ask some of those Angels down there!"

Wrath of Heaven

Blessed Are The Peacemakers


No Respecter of Angels

Sky Commander Bethany