Editing LotS/The Story/Legions of Steel/Capek Major

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<font size="3">'''Capek Major'''</font><br>
<font size="3">'''Streets of Capek Major'''</font><br>
Curious animals stare at you from the branches of trees or gaps in the undergrowth as you proceed through the jungle. But all vanish when you draw near to them. No more predators emerge to hurl themselves at you. The sun now casts its rays down through the canopy, illuminating your path and warming your skin. Were it not for the potential troubles which await you at your destination, the journey would be almost pleasant.
The Princess has been groomed since childhood to one day rule the Sian Empire – which would place her in command of all its armed forces. Thus she understands the ways of war. When she looks at the holographic display of Capek Major, she sees it as you do, visualizing the lines of attack, anticipating strengths and weaknesses based on what you see and what you’ve learned from the Chief Assembler.
Then there’s a rumbling, and you sigh. Perhaps you spoke too soon…
Fabricatrix Vespasia’s troops are thinly spread, since she’s relying on a relatively small force to secure an entire city. That’s likely why she was so keen to press the attack – hoping to keep the defenders off-balance and prevent them from organizing a proper counterattack. Most of her forces are guarding the main approach to the command center.
More huge reptilian creatures appear ahead of you as you move through the trees, and find yourselves in a glade. Ragnar raises his machinegun.
“No!” says Talia. She grabs Ragnar’s thickly muscled arm, as if trying to drag his weapon down. But the limb barely moves an inch.
Together you devise an attack on two fronts. Wilex’s battle bots will assault the command center directly, attempting to fight their way to the front door. This should provide an adequate distraction. Meanwhile the Princess will lead a small group through the city streets, and attempt to enter the building from the opposite side. The Chief Assembler warns you that Vespasia has stationed snipers on the rooftops you’ll be moving beneath, as well as packs of battle bots patrolling the streets.
“Can feel my bicep any time you want,” he says. “But you can’t shift me. Best surgical enhancements credits can buy.”
You raise your concerns about the Princess putting herself in harm’s way, but it’s a mere formality. She overrules you, as you knew she would. Telemachus also refuses to be left behind, once he learns of your plans. You are far from happy at the thought of taking a mere child into combat. But short of destroying his mech, dragging him from the cockpit, and locking him in a room somewhere, there’s little you can do to stop him. He tells you that if you leave him behind, he’ll just join the robots in their frontal assault. At least if he’s with you you’ll be able to keep an eye on him.
“Talia, what’s wrong?” asks the Princess.
“Those things are rackalax,the gunslinger replies. “They’re herbivores. They won’t attack us. Besides…”
Ragnar exchanges some words with the Chief Assembler out of your hearing, and informs you that he’ll be coming. Either he’s been offered a lot of credits, or is simply unwilling to pass up an opportunity for slaughter. But whatever the reason, his violence should prove useful.
You see the twinkle in her eye, and can’t help but feel that she’s about to suggest something insane.
You make your final arrangements, and wait for the gold and silver robots to begin their attack. Then you move out.
“…we can ride them.”
<font size="3">'''Wrangling the Rackalax'''</font><br>
<font size="3">'''Bait & Blast'''</font><br>
“You want us to ride those monsters?” Ragnar asks. But his tone bespeaks admiration rather than incredulity. “You’re crazy. I like crazy.”
A robot sniper covers the streets you intend to pass through with its rifle, ready to send a deadly beam into the heart or head of anyone attempting to make their way towards the command center.
“I’m serious,” Talia replies. “On my home planet we used to wrangle them all the time. It’s easy – they don’t even need to be trained. As soon as you get on their backs, you can steer them just like a vehicle.
As arranged, your companions begin to open fire on a group of patrolling robots, keeping a corner of a building between them and the sniper, but drawing its attention. Meanwhile you make your way onto the rooftops, relying on stealth and the distraction they provide.
“I’m not sure this is wise…” says the Princess.
“Trust me,” says Talia. “It’ll work. And it’ll let us get to the city much quicker.”
Once you’re in place, the riskier part of the plan is put in motion. Talia emerges from cover, ensuring that the sniper will go for her and not detect your approach from behind. You have to destroy the robot, before it takes her out.
“I’m up for it,” says Ragnar.
<font size="3">'''The Deadliest Soldier...'''</font><br>
You and the Princess look at each other. Her expression is dubious, and yours is no doubt similar. But Talia is already issuing instructions, telling Telemachus and Ragnar to tear down some thick vines for use as ropes.
“You planning on standing there, captain?” she asks, as the three of them begin to move towards the creatures, who are now regarding your group with mild curiosity. “Or are you going to help?”
You move to join them. What’s the worst that could happen?
<font size="3">'''Rackalax Rodeo'''</font><br>
Somehow the four of you manage to wrestle the rackalax into submission. Talia leaps up onto one’s back, and stands atop it. Ragnar yanks its head down using the vines they’ve put around it, and jumps up to join her.
The robot sniper collapses, a hole blown through its head. You seize its weapon. From up here on the rooftops you can cover your allies, and protect them as they fight their way through the streets.
Telemachus pulls the other one down by its head, exerting the strength of his mech, and calls for you and the Princess to get on its back. You go first, making sure the beast is properly subdued before clasping her hand and helping her up.
You look through the rifle’s scope, and see a robot moving to attack the Princess. You place your finger on the trigger…
“Don’t think I can ride it in my mech,” says Telemachus. “But my boosters will let me keep up.”
“Remember, when it gets started, just steer it like a vehicle,” yells Talia. Then she drags on her makeshift reins, and her rackalax plunges through the forest.
<font size="3">'''...Is The One You Never See'''</font><br>
Telemachus lets go of your rackalax’s neck, and steps aside. You copy Talia’s gesture, and the creature beings to move…
A moment later you’re hurtling over the grassy plain which separates the jungle from the city, Princess Illaria’s arms wrapped around you as she holds on for dear life. Talia and Ragnar’s cries of exhilaration come back to you on the rushing wind. They’re actually enjoying this…
The rackalax under you keeps twisting and turning, as if attempting to head back to the jungle. You struggle at the reins. Have to keep it pointed towards the city…
<font size="3">'''Robot War'''</font><br>
You maintain control of the charging rackalax, and head towards the city at breakneck speed. And as you draw nearer to the settlement, you see flashes of laser fire.
You move along the rooftops, keeping the others in sight. Whenever a target presents itself, you drop to one knee, take aim, and fire. Then you’re in motion again, trying to destroy some of the black and red robots in their path, and even the odds as much as you can.
“Someone’s fighting!” Princess Illaria yells, pressing her mouth against your ear to stop the words being lost in the wind or drowned out by the thundering tread of the rackalax.
Ahead of you, robot snipers are running across the rooftops, taking up firing positions. You raise your rifle, to pick them off before they can take their shots.
From the number of flashes, it looks like a raging battle…
You yank at the reins of the rackalax in an effort to slow it down. If there’s combat going on, it would be sensible to approach more cautiously. But the beast doesn’t respond. It occurs to you that you have no idea how to stop it.
<font size="3">'''Path of Least Resistance'''</font><br>
The city’s buildings loom up before you, and your trained gaze analyzes the situation. Two forces of robots are battling each other. One is painted in gold and silver, the other in black and red. Laser beams dart between the clashing robots, filling the air with flashes of red and green.
“What should we do?” you yell over your shoulder.
Then some of the black and red robots turn towards you as you approach, and begin firing in your direction. That makes things simple. Talia and Ragnar are already returning fire, the gunslinger standing atop the charging beast and somehow able to keep her footing whilst firing with both her pistols.
The Princess clasps one arm around you in a tight embrace, freeing her other hand for her weapon. You do likewise, clutching the reins with one hand to keep yourself in place, and firing your weapon at the black and red robots with the other.
<font size="3">'''How Do You Stop This Thing?'''</font><br>
In a moment you’ll be in the midst of the battle, and still the rackalax charges onwards without pause. Ahead of you, Ragnar and Talia are leaping from their mount, allowing it to plough into the black and red robots. You should to do the same, but you can’t jump while Princess Illaria is still on its back.
At last your companions reach their goal, and come to the square in which the command center stands. You climb down from the building to join them on the ground. You can see the rear entrance of the command center, and from the other side of the square you hear the sound of heavy fighting as your robot allies assault it from the front.
Telemachus appears beside the beast, using his boosters to match its pace, and reaches for the Princess with his mech’s right arm. You might have time to pass her to him, and then leap to safety…
“Just a few of them,” says the Princess. “This shouldn’t be too difficult...”
<font size="3">'''Carnus 9000'''</font><br>
You, Talia, and Ragnar issue a collective groan. Illaria and Telemachus look at the three of you in confusion. The Princess may understand much of the arts of war, but she lacks your combat experience.
“Never say things will be easy when you’re about to go into a battle,” growls Ragnar. “That’s just asking for trouble.”
“Well, it’s said now,” sighs Talia. “Let’s just get going.”
And so the five of you move out from cover, and attack the robots that stand guard at the rear entrance to the command center.
<font size="3">'''Carnifex Prime'''</font><br>
The thundering rackalax smash through the black and red robots, scattering them like toys, stomping them into the street. The beasts continue their charge, and become lost to sight behind some of the buildings. You hope they don’t cause too much damage.
The last robot falls in a clattering, sparking heap. But even as it hits the ground, the doors to the command center are opening, and you know that worse is yet to come.
You turn, and see Telemachus lowering the Princess to the ground.
A massive robot comes from within the building, the ground trembling beneath its four metal feet. It’s even bigger than the Carnus 9000 you fought earlier. As it passes through the doorway, a crackling energy barrier appears behind it, spanning the width and height of the entrance. It seems there’s no chance of evading the gargantuan machine, and trying to get inside.
“I’m okay,” she says, though she staggers a little.
Ragnar and Talia are exchanging fire with the remaining black and red robots. The gold and silver bots are directing their fire at them as well, and show no signs of aggression towards you. Telemachus wades into the combat, sparks flying as his chainsaw cuts into one of the enemy robots.
“This is why we don’t tempt fate,” says Ragnar, “and say things are going to be easy.”
“The gold and silver ones are the planet’s troops,” says Illaria. “Not seen those other ones before. We need to find-”
“Oh…” replies the Princess.
She breaks off, as a rumbling sound fills the air. A large mechanical form trundles from behind a nearby building, a hulking black and red robot sitting atop three huge wheels – a war machine far more imposing than the humanoid ones you scattered with your rackalax. Huge laser cannons at the end of each of its arms open up, firing thick beams of gleaming energy at groups of the gold and silver robots. The blasts blow some of them into chunks of smoldering scrap metal, and launch others through the air, their arms and legs flailing.
Your companions fall back towards you as the killer robot rolls through the street, laser fire from the gold and silver battle bots striking it from all directions.
The blue light on the robot’s face, where a human’s eyes would be, turns to regard Princess Illaria. An ominous glow is building within it…
“What the hell is that thing?” yells Talia, over the sound of the explosions.
You dive at the Princess, knocking her aside as an energy beam blasts the spot where she was standing a moment ago, sending shards of stone into the air. As the two of you hit the ground, you look up to see the eye glowing once more, gazing right at you.
“It’s a Carnus 9000!” says Telemachus, with awe in his voice. “That’s what I wanted to get to guard our palace on Gallea! The Fabricatrix who designed it says it’s invincible!
“Don’t worry,” you say. “Technology never works quite as well as the manufacturers say it does.”
But a blast from Telemachus’ mech hits it square in the face, and the glow subsides for a moment – long enough for you to drag the Princess to her feet, and get moving. The others are already opening up on the robot for all they’re worth, their fire scouring its metal plates.
You utter quick instructions to your companions, and the five of you move out to attack.
Sparks and crackling electricity fly from dozens of points on the robot’s body, spewed out by ruptured systems. One of its wheels locks in place, no longer turning, and scrapes against the ground as it tries to move. There’s an explosion, and another wheel rolls free from its body, tumbling along the street before hitting a building and flopping onto its side.
The robot freezes, its arms and legs locking into place in mid-movement, becoming as motionless as a statue. The weapons that bristle across its frame are silent. The blue lights on its body flicker for a moment. Then the blue is replaced with bright red. That’s never a good sign.
The robot remains upright, its central wheel managing to support its weight. But it’s in its death throes. Its torso pivots this way and that, firing its weapons, but its shots go wide – its targeting systems ruined.
The others are equally perturbed, and a second later all five of you are running back out of the square, seeking cover amongst the buildings. A long moment passes as you take shelter behind a solid-looking structure.
Laser fire, along with torrents of bullets from Ragnar’s gun, rip across its surface. Soon its arms fall to its sides, and the red light on its head flickers out as its systems fail.
The gold and silver robots take up firing positions in the street, apparently intending to hold the area against further attack. Their movements and mannerisms are incredibly life-like, and remind you why so many humans find robots creepy. You’re on the verge of attempting to communicate with one of them in search of answers, when a door in a nearby building opens. You raise your weapon, but lower it when you see the people who emerge from the structure. Several of the men and women are wearing the same gold and silver as the robots you fought alongside, and it seems clear from their bedraggled appearances and nervous expressions that they were seeking refuge from the black and red robots’ attack.
“Maybe it’s not going to explode,” Talia suggests. “Just because something flashes red-”
Princess Illaria approaches them, and the rest of you follow her lead.
Then comes the explosion.
“Chief Assembler Wilex!” she says.
She directs the words to a tall, grey-haired man whose clothing is decorated in gold and silver cogs. His clothes are torn in places, and there’s a gash on his head. You know a little about TALOS ranks and titles, and believe that a Chief Assembler is a planetary administrator, the name a cultural relic rather than a literal description of his role. He’s no doubt the man the Princess spoke of earlier.
You return to the square, which is now covered in bits and pieces of robot. Some of the wreckage is flaming, other fragments sparking. Ahead of you, past the billows of smoke which rise from the broken heap lying before it, the entrance to the command centre is now uncovered. Perhaps the barrier was overloaded by the force of the blast, or else the force-field was linked to the robot. Either way, your path is now clear.
“When I saw you on the monitor, Highness, I believed I must have hit my head harder than I thought,” he says.
“With all that’s happened lately,” she replies, “I feel the same way.
“Hey!” Ragnar strides over, and stands before Wilex. “You owe me credits. I killed those space pirates, and blew up their hideout. Figured you were trying to rip me off when you wouldn’t let me land.
“You’ll be paid!” the Chief Assembler promises, the words coming in rapid succession as he retreats a couple of steps before the brutish mercenary. “And… and I’ll throw in a bonus for your help here today!”
“That’s okay then,” says Ragnar. He gives a satisfied grunt, and walks off to where Telemachus is examining what’s left of the Carnus 9000.
“I think some explanations are in order,” says Wilex. He beckons for the Princess to enter the building, and you follow in her wake.
In what appears to be some kind of council chamber, two tales are exchanged. The Princess tells of the Centurian Collective’s attack on the Sian Empire, and the Chief Assembler expresses his outrage.
Most human factions are wary of TALOS, and the Sian Empire is no exception. Mankind’s suspicion of advanced robots, those capable of thinking and fighting for themselves, is centuries old. During your schooling, you read a theory that it stems from the depiction of robots in old human fiction, who would often go berserk and attempt to overthrow their human masters. And matters weren’t helped by a few high profile disasters which occurred in more recent times, such as the robot fleet which ended up bombing a friendly colony due to a syntax error.
But though the Emperor himself has done nothing to alter the empire’s frosty relations with TALOS, Princess Illaria has made great efforts to improve matters. Thus she has many friends amongst the TALOS leadership. Moreover, the Centurians have often been directly opposed to TALOS’ interests in the UHW Assembly. Thus Wilex’s sympathies are entirely on the Princess’ side. And he seems particularly interested when she refers to the how the Centurians demonstrated advanced technologies in their attacks, well beyond those they were known to possess.
For his part, Chief Assembler Wilex explains the situation on Capek.
He tells you that Fabricatrix Vespasia, one of the highest ranking TALOS officials, came to Capek claiming that she had been authorized to conduct a surprise inspection of its robot factories and planetary defenses. Such inspections being far from unheard of, Wilex took her at her word and gave her access to the command center in Capek Major in accordance with standard procedure. Vespasia then proceeded to shut down the communications grid, seize control of the planetary defenses, and land large numbers of her robot troops. The Chief Assembler and his people had been determining what to do about the situation when Vespasia’s robots attacked.
“So we both find ourselves in the midst of our own crises,” muses the Princess.
“It would appear so,” says the Chief Assembler.
“What do you intend to do?” you ask him.
“We have to take back the command center,” he replies. “I don’t know what her plan is, but we have to seize control of the communication systems, so we can alert our fleets and our other planets.”
Your gaze meets that of the Princess, and you know what she’s about to say even before she says it.
“We’ll do whatever we can to aid you,” she says.
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